The military operations in Venezuela’s south, in the front lines of Apure, completed three weeks ago and Venezuela announced the capture of members of the Mexican cartel of Sinaloa, informed the operative chief of the Armored Forces, Remigio. On March 21, the Venezuelan Ejército launched an offensive against irregular groups on the front lines. The killings also caused the deaths of officials and provoked the displacement of 5,000 people in Colombia, the albergues housed in the Colombian municipality of Arauquita. Nicobás Maduro’s Governor has also insured that he detained 31 irregular soldiers and killed them, among them were four members of a family of campers, for whom he also announced extrajudicial ejaculations through the media.
The Venezuelan authorities have avoided identifying the groups that have been fighting these days, presuming their dissent from the Colombian Revolutionary Forces. Initially called the delinquent groups, Gricolt’s Irregular Armed Forces Colombian Armed Forces’s sail. In videos and photographs he showed part of the encampments in destroyed camps between which he saw uniforms of the FARC. The four in a telephone connection on state television, Ceballos said that “members of the Sinaloa and Brazil cartels are in the order of justice”. It does not specify the number of detainees, but also states that it also describes some aeronautics that are used by the drug trafficker.
This week, Venezuela is creating a special military frontier unit that is sending more troops to the zone that Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino declares as an “area of conflict”. También also sent police referees to the Special Enforcement Officers of the Bolivarian Police, which the High Commission of Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, exhorted to dismantle from 2019. The victims have escalated and the Governor of Maduro has already resigned and paid tribute to the United Nations for the dissolution.
The Gobierno de Colombia, for its part, has announced the presence of the Sinaloa cartel in Venezuela and has ensured that it has alliances with local rebel groups, including the National Liberation Party (ELN) and members of the Colombian Revolutionary Forces. ) which separates the peace accords of 2016. He also mentioned the complicity of these groups with the Venezuelan Governor, as he wanted to reiterate Vice President Marta Lucía Ramírez the fours.
Two weeks ago, the UN presented information that signaled evidence that the criminal organization led by Ismael Mayo Zambada was present in the western part of Venezuela. En su informeer jaarliks, the Junta Internacional de Fiscalización de Estupefacientes de la UNU indicates that this criminal group works in cooperation with the Colombian guerrilla Ejército de Liberación Nacional en la zona fronteriza, donde existen pistas de despéribe clandest clandest.
The Mexican cartel of Sinaloa has also been detected in Zulia, where it has approved the access roads for the construction of transit centers and the collection of pedestrian crossings with the support of the National Liberation of Colombia in Colombia, which Venezuela ”, indicates the informe. “The mayor of the country’s cliffs of the country is located in the state of Zulia, which is limited to the region of Catatum in Colombia, an important area for the manufacture of cocaine”, agrees. In its 2019 report, first of all, the JIFE signaled that it had indications that delictive groups related to the drug trafficking had been infiltrated by the Venezuelan security forces and had created “a red card called the Easy to Use Roads Cartel” illegal ”.
Three weeks of training, the situation of continuous tension in the frontier city of La Victoria, at a distance of 700 kilometers from Caracas. FundaRedes, an organization that has documented the expansion of the guerrilla and irregular groups on the frontier, denounced this assassination of the indigenous peoples of the Ethiopian jiwi in the former state of Amazonas, also in the frontier region. Professor José Dacosta and adolescent Luis Charlot Cariban, 17 years old, have been the victim of irregular armed groups controlling the illegal mines in the Cerro Yapacana National Park, according to the organization’s report.