Venezuela: buscan therapies alternas ante secuelas del virus

In Venezuela, however, the new coronavirus has not been associated with such a force as in other South American countries, some patients intending to recover from the diseases that the day before the disease can be treated with alternative therapies.

To relieve pain and recover mobility, some women have resorted to acupuncture, yoga exercises and ozone therapies. And in the midst of scientific information on its efficacy, various people are assured that they will help increase their quality of life.

Henry Alexander Guerrero states that quedo was posted on a bed for more than five months while fighting COVID-19. Nothing will help you recover the strength of your muscles, you will not be able to recover from it and you will have to be strong.

“Do not move me,” said the Venezuelan to The Associated Press. Ensure that it is the first time that it has been treated and that it has been treated with four months of alternative therapies that include acupuncture has the therapeutic masses.

“Ya estoy bien”, the 44-year-old construction worker, moved to Miguel Pérez Carreño de Caracas Public Hospital.

“Este hombre me hizo pararme”, añadió mientras señalaba al médico chirujano Juan Mario Montecinos, quien desde que comenzó la cuarentena en marzo en Venezuela no pudo volver a España, donde reside, and desde entonces recorre los rehabilitation centers practice of a dozen acupuncture techniques for patients undergoing COVID-19.

Tras contraer COVID-19 many patients need to recover a large and tortuous truck to recover from the effects that the sun suffers from pulses, heartburn, rhinitis and fever, as well as spinal cord injuries and a neurological series.

Febe Raquel Aular, a 37-year-old chiropractor who specializes in complementary therapies and coordinates the plan for the attention of patients with new coronavirus sequelae in 44 Caracas Health Centers, who also uses acupuncture and ventilator therapy. the massages.

“I teach in Europe and in some countries of Latin America many styles of acupuncture,” said Montecinos. The principle of integrating both therapeutic abortions is not easy. First of all, it is necessary to sort out the difficulties in teaching the physicians the physiological process that succeeds when the acupuncture is applied, the doctor explains.

The authorities “have control over the evacuation and all the protocol that is in place for the COVID and our dioimos: ‘we will occupy now the secondary effects'”, said Montecinos

Venezuela, which since October has been part of the test of the Sputnik V vaccine, has signed a contract with Russia in December. The evacuation begins on February 18, five days after the first lot of 100,000 doses of the vaccine rose and represents 1% of the total of 10 million initially agreed between the governors of Caracas and Moscow.

Last week, President Nicolás Maduro announced that his government had invested 200 million dollars in the 10 million doses that should be in the country in April, when it was announced that Venezuela would be in conditions for a massive evacuation campaign.

Venezuelan physicians have been able to use alternative therapies for the endemic drugs and their high prices, so Maduro’s governor has found a fertile ground to impel various medical initiatives.

Since the start of the mandate pandemic has been a promoter of a series of complementary curative therapies to treat patients with COVID-19, which has no medical efficacy has been approved, in addition to the conventional treatment recommended by the Organization.

Hasta now in the South American country has accounted for more than 137,800 contacts and more than 1,300 decrees, agreed with the Center for Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University Systems.

Experts say that the low number of cases in respect of other countries in the region, including the temporary adoption of the quarantine, is in good faith with Islam as the country suffers from years of political, economic and social crisis.

While in the treatment of the sick, new procedures are being adopted and others, patients like Yelitza Marcano, 35 years old, are complaining.

“No pod acostarme boca abajo, no podía respirar”, dijo la mujer que ha arrastrado respiratorios durante casi un ano y un tempo despuets de contagiarse sufrió un fisure en el pecho product de las inflamationses les prov provo de nuue coronavirus.

“My costaba respirar, no podía caminar mucho”. But make sure that sometere lies in a series of alternative therapies that will inflate a globe, even if it causes a lot of pain: a little conquest that shows that its pulmonary commences to fortify.
