VALORANT players can create multiple one-time Sage walls on Split

VALORANT players have found new one-way Sage walls on Split that make taking B-yard much harder.

VALORANT Patch 2.01 significantly updated Split to make it easier for attackers to access websites, remove deep corners where enemies could hide, and limit the amount of 50/50 blowouts players could encounter. But the update also introduced new objects that players can use to their advantage to create one-way walls and corners that attackers would not expect.

One of the new updates on Split is a stack of two boxes between B Heaven and the B main entrance. This corner is designed to remove a 50/50 can stain in B Heaven and make it easier for players to go to the yard.

But Sage players can get to the top of the box by jumping off B Heaven or by strengthening Raze’s satchel. Both methods require some practice to master, but are relatively easy to recreate.

Once players are on top of the boxes, they can create a long wall that covers the entire view of B Heaven from the B main entrance. To make a long wall, players must step off the edge of an object and deploy the wall when they are at about the same level as the object. This extends Sage’s wall further than usual, allowing players to create these unique one – way walls.

If done correctly, defenders in B Heaven can shoot enemies that enter the yard without being seen. They can also stand on the wall and watch the entrance from an oblique angle, which most players do not expect.

Attackers can engage enemies in B Heaven if they squat, but this will likely catch them off guard the first time they encounter the wall. By combining a one-way view of the corner and the B Heaven, it can easily keep the players B-yard for multiple rounds.

Players can also place a Sage wall on the boxes at the back of the yard, which can be used to engage enemies trying to plant the peak. Smart players can destroy the first part of the wall visible from B Main to completely surprise enemies as they penetrate deep into the terrain.

Advanced players have the option to deploy Sage’s wall above the B-site entrance, but this method requires a teammate to raise you on a crate in the corner. Bend in VALORANT is a tricky maneuver, but players have found consistent ways that are easy to learn.

Sage can erect a long wall above the entrance to the B site and surprise enemies before entering the area. The wall also creates multiple angles so Sage can move around to confuse attackers.

The new one-way walls on Split make the B-yard difficult if used correctly. It is unclear whether this was a deliberate design choice and whether Riot Games will discuss the spots in a future update. Attackers, meanwhile, must be careful when they see a hostile Sage on Split.
