Valorant patch 2.03 notes: Reyna and Stinger nerfs, Escalation game mode

Brave‘s latest update is here, and it brings a whole new game mode and quite a few balance changes. Reyna, one of the best agents in the game, got a nervous breakdown along with the Stinger SMG.

The biggest addition to the game in this patch is the new Escalation game mode. This mode is a team-based twist on the classic Gun Game mode of other shooters. Player teams start with powerful weapons – or abilities, because it is Brave – and every few murders they will progress to weaker weapons, making murder even harder to achieve. Whichever team gets the right number of kills with the weakest weapon of the match.

In terms of balance changes in this patch, it seems that Reyna was Riot’s first target. Reyna has always been strong, especially if you wanted to carry your team, but now Riot is taking some of her strength away. She can now only carry two charges of her devouring and dismissal ability, rather than four, and both are now more expensive. To counter this a bit, she now gets Soul Orbs killed every time an enemy she damages is killed, even if she was not the one who landed the final shot, giving her abilities a little more often. would let use.

The Stinger also got some tweaks to this patch that would make it a little less valuable. The SMG was one of the cheapest weapons in Brave and one of the most effective, especially for the price. To help counteract this, Riot slightly increased the price from 1,000 to 1,100, slowing down the firing rate of the rifle and making the setback a little less forgiving. This will not make the Stinger useless, but it will mean that if you are not close, there should be better options.

For a look at all the changes to Brave in patch 2.03, you can view the full patch notes.

Valorant plaster 2.03 plaster notes

Agent Updates


  • Maximum consumption (Q) and dismissal (E) costs reduced 4 >>> 2
  • Evil enemies that have damaged Reyna in the last 3 seconds drop Soul Orbs, even if Reyna does not land the fatal shot
  • The cost of devouring and dismissal increased by 100 >>> 200

Reyna gets a double nervousness in the hopes of ruling out some of her ‘pub stomp’ potential while still remaining viable in balanced and coordinated play. The reduction of the charge should limit how much impact she can have if she severely surpasses her opponents, but gives enough room for the 1v5 dream if Empress (X) is active.

The price increase of Devour and Dismiss together with the Frenzy price increase (see below) should also make more difficult economic decisions during the gun round. Now she can no longer make a purchase or Learn (C), her Soul Orb abilities, and upgrade her gun. On the other hand, Reyna must help acquire Soul Orbs from recently damaged enemies to help her reliability when playing with teammates, and reduce hostility when an ally strikes the last blow and Reyna goes empty-handed.


Gatecrash (E)

  • Gatecrash now displays the series on which the tether can be seen by enemies as it moves on the minimap
  • The series that enables enemies to hear the sound of a Gatecrash teleport is now displayed on the minimap

Dimensional power (X)

  • While in Dimensional Drift, Yoru’s minimap is now visible
  • Enemies within Yoru’s sight, while in Dimensional Drift, are now also revealed to ally minimaps
  • Dimensional power can no longer block enemies body

As we explore future changes to Yoru that demonstrate its power and ability to achieve its core promise, we want to make some changes that we feel will improve its use today. Gatecrash did not provide much information on when enemies could see or hear its teleport fragment, so we added a few pieces to make it easier. As for the extreme, we noticed a burden that Yoru had to communicate threats between his allies and his destination, and wanted to make it easier for him and his team to understand the state of the round when they set up the ultimate baton.


Fire brigade (Q)

  • The sound of the burning zone of the Incendiary will be easier to hear if other actions and sounds occur nearby.


Warm hands (E)

  • The sound of the Hot Hands lingering fire zone is easier to hear when other actions and sounds occur in the area.

Weapon Updates


We wanted to sharpen the Marshal’s power as a sharpshooter with a movement speed buffer as we zoomed in. The intention is to carve out a strong, agile, hit-and-run identity for the weapon. There is also a price lover because the weapon is not as versatile as others in its range.

  • Movement speed when zoomed in is now at 90% of the un zoomed motion speed (previously the zoomed motion speed was 76% of the un zoomed motion)
  • Price reduction 1100 >>> 1000
  • Zoom magnification increased 2.5x >>> 3.5x

Stinger (full engine)

The Stinger has been strong for some time, and although we are threatening at any stage of the game, it is too strong in too many areas. We take a turn at raw DPS with the reduction of the firing rate (full car only) and adjustments and / or recoil adjustments made to both shooting modes. The intention is to designate better optimal ranges for the respective shooting modes, as well as to master the weapon degrees. The price increase is meant to stop the premium a bit on the now versatile, but still powerful, versatility of the Stinger.

  • Price increases from 1000 >>> 1100
  • Full car burn rate reduced from 18 >>> 16
  • Fully automatic fire now reaches maximum spread at bullet 4, instead of bullet 6
  • Adjusted pitch (vertical) recoil curve for full car, recoil climbs more aggressively past the 3rd bullet
  • Reduced bullet protection at a fully automatic score from 4 >>> 3 Fully automatic

Stinger (it erupted)

  • Adjusted stitch (vertical) kickback to be more aggressive after the first volley
  • More bug fixes added after first one
  • Improved recovery time in burst mode from .45 >>> .4


Frenzy has recently increased in popularity, and although we enjoy watching it, it feels like it has expressed many other options on gun rounds. We are interested to see what a price hump on purchase prices means. As usual, we will monitor this weapon for any follow-up tuning.

  • Price increases from 400 >>> 500

Mode updates

Escalation goes live! (Read our full game mode)

  • This is a fast (about 7-9 min.) And fast 5v5 game mode where you have to gradually chase less deadly loads with your team. The tax range varies from game to game, but always includes a mix of weapons and abilities. The same list of downloads is always used by both teams during the game.
  • Our main goal for Escalation is to offer a fast, fun mode that encourages social play and gives you the chance to practice new weapons in a lower interest environment. We are also excited to present a uniquely short and rather crazy mode to round off what we have!
  • It was one of our more requested game modes, so we’m especially excited to bring this one to you.
  • TBD about exactly how long it will be, but we want to keep this one out as long as it makes sense, depending on your involvement

Competitive updates

  • AFK-in competition matches for a long period (currently defined as 6 or more rounds) will now result in a fine of 8 rank points
  • We understand that your computer, ISP, etc. Sometimes there are problems during a match, so we will not punish you for missing a few rounds – but we want to encourage players to come back from those AFKs and play their competition.
  • Act Rank Badges will now be based on your highest ranking win, instead of your ninth best win

Read our general E2: A2 rankings for more context around these changes.

Quality of life

  • All sprays will now be destroyed at the start.

Death Series Improvements & Updates

Two changes were made specifically to the death series, that is, all the things that happen once you are killed and before you become a spectator from the outside. We hope these changes enhance the experience and gameplay feel by addressing the smoothness of the camera movement and the overall timing of the series. However, we can not bring you back to life. This is Jett’s job.

  • Timing
  • The blur time after black start time decreased 1.75 seconds after death >>> 1.5 seconds after death
  • The time you spent on a full black screen increased ~ 0 seconds >>> 0.25 seconds.
  • The total time of the death series has not changed, it remains at 2.75 seconds
  • Camera movement has significantly eased, especially for those under poor network conditions
  • Before patch 2.03, any of you (but especially those with a high ping or packet loss) may experience a camera rustle during the death phase.
  • Based on our investigations into this issue, you can rest assured that this camera jitter did not affect the combat performance – anyone experiencing this issue was already dead during the smooth motion.

– Now everyone, regardless of the network conditions, will have a smooth camera movement during the death series.


  • Problem solved where Yoru’s lure had slightly different sounding footsteps than Yoru himself
  • Fixed issue where the Cypher’s Cyber ​​Cage World Indicator would disappear if it did damage
  • Problem solved where Sova’s Owl Drone could cut through specific map geo and see the other side
  • A fixed issue where players who have already been affected by reflection soon saw smoke that they should rather think about
  • Fixed issue where Skye’s Seekers would no longer work if she was killed at a very specific moment while throwing
  • Fixed issue where Yoru could not equip a weapon or ability if he canceled Dimensional Drift, just as the buffers activated
  • Killjoy’s Lockdown may in some cases no longer be placed within Sage’s Barrier Orb
  • If Barrier Orb is placed on top of Killjoy’s ult, the portion of the wall covering the ult will now be destroyed.
  • Fixed issue where teleportation to Yoru’s Gatecrash just as it expired dropped him to death by the map (rip)
  • Fixed issue where Yoru’s Bait could sometimes fall to the floor when placing the still version
  • Problem solved where Sova could sometimes make the voice heard for Hunter’s Fury to play, even though it is not used, by trying to equip the Owl Drone
  • The end of the game screen will not display more “Average abilities per round” than 0
  • Fixed some input errors to repair objects (Cypher camera, Sova drone, etc.) that are in possession and not owned, in the same frame leading to locking of all inputs or the exit direction
  • Sorry Cypher mainline – thanks for all the reports!
  • Fixed an issue where certain settings would not appear during the game
  • Your player icon color on the minimap is now white when you turn on color blind settings
  • Fixed some input issues that caused players to get stuck using balls or planting the Spike
