Valkyrae threatens to shut down OTV Rust server due to issues

Chaos provides good content, but Rachell ‘Valkyrae’ Hofstetter takes responsibility for the sad drama on the OfflineTV Rust server and gives consequences if it continues.

Rust is a multiplayer survival game and as such tends to PvP (Player-versus-Player) screens – especially when OfflineTV works with more than 50 high-profile streamers on a dedicated server. While Valkyrae claims that he personally enjoyed those antics, she realizes that things may have gone too far drama with Felix ‘xQc’ Lengyel’s introduction to the OTV server.

With xQc (and his infamous chat) popping up the pot and unnerving fellow streamers, Rae spoke out and took ownership because he still wanted to invite potential antagonistic creators to the exclusive server.

In a double tweet, the “Content Creator of the Year” of 2020 let it be known that she would be much more careful with the invitation of invitations. And if the unwanted behavior continues, she will consider shutting down or resetting the Rust server from OfflineTV.

“The drama, people suing me. I talk on TV like it’s just you and me. Like the lyrics of Kanye West’s ‘Can’t Tell Me Nothing’, drama can arise when one treats the public kingdom as a private interaction. While Valkyrae personally enjoyed the meat and spices on her server, she realizes that as the guests grow, she needs to take some public ownership and curb the … juice.

The main point was that the juice turned sour when xQc erupted on a relatively smaller spreader, ‘Ash_on_lol’, which then bounced back with an even more slanderous reaction. A few f-bombs and a request that xQc should not later be a ‘king piece of s ** t’, and Ash apparently received death threats from the passionate fans of the Quebecois streamer.

The result was apparently unexpected and prompted an apology from xQc, in which he promised not to treat people on the server, especially non-PvP creators, so badly. And although Valkyrae had no personal problem with his behavior (as indicated by her response to his tweet), she later decided it was time to stifle the drama.

As Valkyrae points out in her various answers, she finds that the murder is not ‘rude’ and agrees that ‘the chaos was nice’. But she realizes that other perspectives matter, especially since she is the one who ‘wanted to invite more’.

As such, Rae apologized to her ‘friends who did not like to play’ and threatened to take action if people continued to misbehave.

Based on other responses in her Twitter thread, it appears that a complete reset or shutdown of the server is not yet on the horizon. Instead, the group wants to establish an open world of PvP with dedicated safe areas for those who do not feel so spicy.
