Valheim’s dedicated servers should now have lower latency

Valheim’s wolves will now reproduce less, which is good news if the swinging population of the Viking survival sim tore one too many times. This change comes via update 0.147.3, which is perhaps more interesting for “major changes to dedicated servers”.

These changes in short? Most players should now have lower latency when playing on dedicated servers. Less short: this is because the game now uses direct connections instead of Steam Datagram Relay (SDR). SDR is billed as a way to transport game traffic through Valve’s network, making it faster and safer, although apparently not the case for Valheim players. On the game notes, a beta client beta is already available that could resolve some issues with SDR.

All the other changes in this build are minor fixes, though no mention is made of my favorite Valheim bug recently reported:

I have not seen it in action yet, but how I hope it’s true, and how I hope there will be a video of the dead gulls soon.

Until then, if you want to take advantage of their lower latency, Ollie has a guide on how to set up your own Valheim server.
