Valheim Plus mod makes construction much more precise

Viking art adventure Valheim is currently the plundering party rage, meaning almost everyone has opinions on which of its craft and survival functions swell and which pain. The developers plan to add features and customization during early access, but mud has already started digging into it. Valehim Plus is currently one of the largest in the group, a mod that combines a handful of convenient adjustments along with some extra precise building tools.

One of the best benefits for my money is the shared card system. I had already presented quite a few friends with a world and was disappointed when I found out that they could not see the explored parts of the map to which I had wandered. Would be great if they could see my adventures because I’m the resident obsessive war mist more clearly. You just have to be online at the same time and share your position with other players for it to work.

Valheim Plus’ advanced build mode and advanced editing mode also seem to have major benefits. With the build mode tool you can place building objects with a much higher precision by moving and turning on each axis. With advanced editing mode, you can move the build mode items around without destroying them first. It’s also a big sigh of relief for me. I do not want to talk about how many times I destroyed my bed just to move it three feet and then forgot to claim it again as my return point.

There are several other adjustments that are worth checking out, such as changing the speed material being processed, removing the restriction on teleporting items, and changing the weight or stack size of items so that you can drag more simultaneously.

You can find Valheim Plus on Nexus Mods, as well as instructions for installing it for your local or server world. You can enable and disable mod functions independently, says the creator, which means you can choose what changes you want and what you do not need.

If you’re not quite ready for mods yet, but are scratching your head over the finer points to increase your first base, check out the RPS ‘Valheim building tips.
