Vaccination priority extends to additional groups – Redhead black belt

Covident dustPress Release of the Humboldt County Joint Information Center:

Prioritization for the COVID-19 vaccine extends to all Humboldt County residents 70 years and older, all emergency services workers, all licensed child care providers, and all educators and support staff of K-12 and early childhood. These additives will take effect immediately, even if the appointments are limited by the provision of vaccines.

Although the vaccine is still extremely limited in the country and across the state, public health officials in Humboldt County believe the vaccination of early-priority groups has progressed far enough to provide appointments to additional people and workers. which includes the following:

  • People 70 years and older – All residents in this age group qualify.
  • Emergency workers – All police, fire and first responders, including volunteer and paid staff.
  • K-12 and early education, child care – All staff members, paid and volunteers, who work in a K-12 or early childhood education as educators or support staff. This includes assistants and office staff, as well as transportation, conservation, cafeteria and maintenance workers.

All remaining Phase 1A health workers can also schedule appointments if available.

Individuals from the above categories will be contacted directly by their healthcare provider or Public Health to sign up for an appointment at a mass vaccination clinic. Those without a provider or whose provider is not an approved vaccineer must complete the country’s online vaccination vaccine form ( to be notified when an appointment is available. Call the Humboldt County Joint Information Center at 707-441-5000 for help filling out the form.

Note that those who need to receive a second dose in phase 1A are given preference. First dose appointments for provincial residents in other levels will be scheduled as available.

Public Health provides for the opening of appointments for people aged 65 and over, those working in higher education and workers in the food and agricultural sector in March or April. The timeline depends on the availability of vaccines.

Find local vaccination information at

For the latest COVID-19 information, visit or Local information is available at or during business hours by contacting [email protected] or call 707-441-5000.
Local information about the COVID-19 vaccine:
Humboldt County COVID-19 Data Dashboard:
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