Vacation Livia Brito and cause indignation in Volvo in Cancun?

The Cuban Livia Brito flew to the center of the reflectors but not exactly by any project in Puerta, made the recent vacations to all light, in which he presumed to be accompanied by his party that caused the new indignation, users record the scandalous move that protagonize in Cancun beaches.

The recorded actress of “La Piloto” wanted to scandalize social media lies of a recent journey that the “queen of social media” shared in the last days. Habrían is located in Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, the destination that Livia Brito choose together with your partner to pass one of these days.

On board a private jet, the participant of the telenovela “Medici: vida de vida”, today influencer, is shown alongside the galan, Mariano, is lying that the proprietary interpretation of 34 years ago shared a video on his Instagram and Tik Tok accounts.

Without embarrassment, these are ways to generate positive reactions derived from the contrary, and the controversial figure in the white-hot television of various critics, much to the dismay of the scandal that is taking place during the holidays in Cancun.

As it turns out, the controversy over the last two years has resulted in serious consequences for the career of the cubana For some time now, another project has been carrying out projects in front of the chic panty, so much so that it has been largely focused on sharing content in its social networks that has been significantly disconnected.

At the same time, the escorts actress has been the subject of a flurry of popular user applications like Instagram, Tik Tok and Youtube, without embarrassment, his most recent video did not cause the positive effect that has been shown, it has a protagonist.

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Travels of her Instagram account, Livia Brito, also shares some of the preview moments in which she and her novio have access to the hot hangar where some photos are taken for the record.

See the actress who did not pass any detail of her journey and captured in the images up to the bright faces of the interior of the unit.

No link to arriesgarte, la vida es corta, no te van a esperar, fue una de las motivatoras phrases con las que Livia Brito acompaño la publicationa.

The muse of the social speeches captured at the time of the trip that protagonized along with his partner, Mariano, who is disembodied as a personal trainer.

The transfer will take about a hour and will take you to your destination, the model and presenter will continue to see aspects of the ostentatious “hotel resort” where they are hosted.

Throughout its account, the Cuban continues to have a record of the housing in which the hospice is located as well as other species, Alberca and direct access to the beach,

It is surrounded by a paradise of paradise destination, and does not hide its fascination with a message that accompanies the publication: “Qué lugar tan hermoso”,

In the same way, the reception of the staff of the lodge was given to them in the same way, in which case a figure of cloths with the two interlocking cushions formed, red with petals of red roses.

Surely this series is just a small sample of the loads of marvels that the hopeful to enjoy, the next video is one of the recapilations that the Cuban shares in a principle.

Novels between the characters “Muchacha italiana viene a casarse”, “Triunfo del amor”, Abismo de pas! Ón “, ensovoorts, omgeving a Livia Brito en uno de los rostros más famos des spectacle, Por lo que aún a medo de senalalientos, cada paso da da sigo dando de que hablar.

Even so, many fans and admirers would like to send the best wishes for the continued enjoyment of the beauty of the Mexican beaches, without embarrassment, as well as the fact that some people are launching comments against the artist.

In the midst of the criticisms that he has accompanied since the mid-2020s, by the scandal that protagonists along with his side of action have agreed! To a paparazzi by taking pictures and evidencing their vacations in Cancun, many users have revisited the controversy over this new journey.

We can also read Cautivan Livia Brito and Maribel Guardia, share it

Además cuestionaron la la actress de trasladara al port oaxaqueño en medio de la sanitia emergencia que se vive actoemente, particularly in México, el cual hoy ocupa el segundo pais a mondel mondale con más contagios por el Covid-19.
