Vacation box photo indicates that a lot was taken in the past announced by the Governor | El Salvador News

Agreed with a sub-image by the Presidential House, some of the vacancies will not go to El Salvador on February 17 as indicated by the Governor, since February 3

A photo below by the Gobierno Communications Secretariat on Twitter includes a detail that, separate versions circulating and social speeches, indicate that some of the vacancies against COVID-19 entered El Salvador on February 3, and no 17 of passed February, as he officially announced the Governor.

To be sure, the Governor had a quantity of these vacancies in his power for 14 days, in order to urgently initiate the sanitation of the medical staff to combat the illness.

Vacations will take place in El Salvador on February 3rd, following the airline tracking

The periodical Cecibel Romero, which collaborates with Salud con Lupa, identifies that one of the cajas is located the night of the mercury in a health post in Santa Rosa de Lima, La Unión, including a white wine, which gives a separate information to the indicated by the Bukele administration.

VIDEO: El Salvador receives first lot of 20,000 vacancies AstraZeneca against the Covid-19 provenientes of India

This ticket, with number 406-0229 9253 as revealed by image, is from a UPS company mail that flew from Miami to El Salvador on February 3, at 10:17 a.m. Monday. Asia is registered in the digital system of dicha company.

In addition, the official discourse of Gobierno is that the 20 mile dose will be received on the 17th of February from a vineyard near Mumbai, India, by the Spanish company Iberia.

VEA TAMBIÉN: El Salvador initiates evacuation against COVID-19 first line staff

The tragedy provoked a series of negative comments against Gobierno’s work on social media, which led to the rapid reaction of President Nayib Bukele, who wrote a speech that he would forward his previous speech.

Más tarde, om 11:28 de este jueves, die president Bukele publicó otro tuit, confirmed that there were vacancies that will take place on February 3 in the country, arguing that there is no medicine against COVID-19.

Explained that the Serum Institute of India is a habitual provider of the Salvadoran Gobierno, and that “The roads are recycled and used to protect more small roads”, which explains why they bought one of these cabins to move COVID-19 vacations in Santa Rosa de Lima.

According to Bukele, in reality the vacancies he received in the country on 3 February his MMR, it is clear that he is occupying the papers, sarampión and rubéola. Without embarrassment, it is registered in the photo captured by the Secretariat of the Press in Santa Rosa de Lima, the caja has a calmonia where details must be kept of the temperatures between +2 and +8 degrees Celsius, temperature required for the AstraZeneca for COVID-19, although also a standard temperature that applies to another type of pharmacy.

While in Gobierno’s official speeches, the images regarding first-line staffing vacancies are maintained, the public in general discovers what the Bukele administration has in store for the rest of the citizens who are interested in immunizing; tampoco is known to detail the 162 vacancies announced by the Ministry of Health, as well as the exact cost.
