Vacancy Irregularities, Supersalud, Health Secretaries: Five Health Secretaries to Explain Supuestos Errors in Vacation | Health

Caracol Radio notice in the preamble that the Superintendence of Health is new requirements to the Secretaries of Health of Antioquia, Bogotá, Cundinamarca, Guaviare and Santa Marta by presuntas irregularity and incompletions in the development of the National Plan of Vacation.

Frete is this ente of control the dio have these entities between three and five days to inform about the entrants which he did to clarify and avoid these hechos, inside the springs the supuesta was removed death of an adult mayor tras receive the vacuna in the department of Guaviare.

If it is different, it will be clear to the secretariat of health of Antioquia, Lina María Bustamante, respect to the denuncias which indicates that the administrative staff of the Alcaldia de Girardota and their respective fueron relatives vacancies in the first stage without being prioritized.

For its part, the Secretary of Health of Bogotá, Alejandro Gómez López, should inform the actions displayed by the case registered in the San Ignacio University Hospital, donde familiares of an adult mayor of 77 years denunciaron jeringas ´prellenadas´ and lack of clarity in the protocol of evacuation, but do not show the phrase of biology, number and date of arrival preview of the application.

También se pidió respuesta a Gilberto Álvarez, Secretary of Health of Cundinamarca for the case of the supuesta application from a vacancy to an adult of 84 years in Chia and the District Secretariat of Health of Santa Marta, Henrique Toscano tend to await the denunciations of the present return in the immunization, debido a que lote perdió la cadena de frío y el apparente “salto a fila” in the process.
