Vacancies: “There are notable results”, says the National Academy of Medicine

Hoy comenzó the vacation campaign with the Sputnik V for the staff of the health of all the country Credit: Mauro Alfieri

“The pandemic represents, inadvertently, the mayor’s challenge that has harmed humanity in the present day. In front of this critical scenario, the action taken by the professionals of the health and the community of science, without distinction of nationalities and fronts, has allowed in a short time to develop a light of hope, organized in a conjunction of vacancies, with different desires, which are in terms of security and efficiency “, said a communiqué diffused by the Hoy Academia Nacional de Medicina hoy, lie of which in all the country commenced the evacuation operation.

For the institution, Argentina has a controlling body of enormous rigor and prestige, la AdministracIion Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnología (Anmat), “which dictates on the basis of published dates and official communications the relevance of approving the use in the vacancies that hayan demonstrated the best levels of security and efficiency”, says the text, which lives the firm of the president of the institution , the doctor Antonio R. de los Santos. Y agrega: “The respect is restricted to the scientific evidence and the need for institutionalism in the camp of decision-making, the conduct that allows us to develop in the mean time a possible evacuation campaign effect, saving miles and miles of life and adhering to the supremacy of the people of our Nation “.

One year without effective treatment

For further information, the text revises some of the dates that provoke the coronavirus pandemic worldwide, with more than 1,700,000 casualties and the infection of 77 million people. “On the other hand, under the auspices of the restricted tax authorities, it has provoked a deep global economic crisis, affecting the growing sectors of the population in situations of mayoral poverty”, the communiqué quoted the local medical community as saying. has a year of having identified this new virus, but has no effective treatment that will slow down the progress of the disease to be manifested, fundamentally, in major people and in those who have comorbidities, tales like diabetes, obesity, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiovascular diseases, immunosuppression, exemplary.

“Seran, inadvertently, these vacancies together with the enmiable esfuerzo that realizes day to day health teams, is a responsible conduct on the part of each individual in the different regions of the planet, the herramentas with the winters we have in the next pandemic from the academy- Ante the gravity of the situation, it is imperative to understand that there is no time or place for sterile discussions, nor for those who are interested in counterfeiting to show a mantle of dark infusion over the efficacy and tolerance of different vacancies or about the sales of other things “.

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