Vacancies can be reunited with tapabocas, dicen sanitary authorities in EE. UU.

March 08, 2021 – 12:16 pm


Redacción de El País – AFP

The persons evacuated against the covid-19 can reunite between them for small groups in closed locations without mascara or respect the social distance, indicating these months the sanitary authorities of the United States.

Quienes hayan sido vacunados también pueden reunirse sin tapabocas con personas ne immunizadas de otro hogar si éstas no tienen factors de riesgo frente al covid-19, dijo en rueda de Rochelle Walenski, la director de los Centros para la Prevención c el Control de Enf ), the main federal public health agency of the country.

Without embarrassment, the evacuees who are reunited with people are being immunized by various high-ranking individuals who tend to follow mascara life and maintain social distance.

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And he must do the same in public spaces and avoid the journeys and meetings with many people.

It is considered that a person was evacuated during the week following the injection of the second dose, in the case of Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna products, or the single dose, in the case of Johnson & Johnson, Walensky said.

Currently only three vacancies are authorized in the United States.
