Utah parents drop black curriculum request

Parents who did not want to teach their children to learn the Black History Month curriculum at a charter school in northern Utah withdrew their requests

NORTH MORNING, Utah – Parents who did not want to teach their children to learn the Black History Month curriculum at a charter school in northern Utah have withdrawn their requests.

The Maria Montessori Academy in North Ogden experienced a public setback after announcing plans to make participation optional, the Standard Examiner reported on Saturday.

“We regret that an opt-out form was sent after receiving requests regarding activities planned during this month’s celebration,” reads a statement from Micah Hirokawa, director of the academy, and the school board.

“We are grateful that families who initially had questions and concerns willingly came to the table to resolve any differences. At this time, no families are opting for our planned activities, and we have removed this option,” the statement read. .

School officials said some families requested the release of the instruction, but declined to say how many or the reasons for it were set out.

Data from the Utah State Board of Education show that only three of the 322 students in the academy are black, while 70% are white.

It looks like the Facebook page was deleted on Saturday.

In the future, the school plans to address parents’ concerns on an individual basis, Hirokawa said.

Discussions with the parents will not result in a change in the Black History Month curriculum, which is based on Black History instructions according to the standards for social studies, Hirokawa said.

Hirokawa, who is of Asian descent, said the social media message was contrary to his personal beliefs because the great-grandson of people was sent to a Japanese internment camp.

“I see great value in teaching our children about the abuse, challenges and obstacles that people of color have had to endure in our country and what we can do today to ensure that such injustices do not continue,” Hirokawa said.
