Utah mother pleads with parents to talk to their teens about mental health

SALTMER CITY – It’s no secret that this pandemic has taken a toll on our mental health. But what does the impact look like for children?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of children and teens seeking help for anxiety and depression is increasing across the country. The study found that ER visits to mental health increased by 31% last year.

The Vega family said their 14-year-old daughter is now part of the statistics of taking her own life two weeks ago.

Family in crisis

“When someone you love wants to take his life, you feel like failure. And you question everything you did. Like, ‘Did I do too much? Did I not do enough?’ And it’s scary to be open about it, ‘said mother Brandy Vega.

The family said when they first noticed a shift in their daughter’s personality, they “became teenagers”.

“She was so fun and outgoing and just cute and creative. You know she’s become more introverted over the last few years,” Vega said.

Two years ago, they realized that changes in behavior were not just part of growing up, when she was just 12 years old and trying to commit suicide for the first time.

“It was a big shock. I mean, she’s 12 years old,” Vega said. “It was just a total shock.”

The family received help and their daughter started therapy. Her older sister, Adia Vega, even took her on weekly sister dates.

“We would just talk, and she told me about school and told my friends, and I thought it was going better,” she said.

Adia and Brandy Vega.
Adia and Brandy Vega. (Photo: KSL TV)

It seems to be working. Then the pandemic struck, and the family said it was taking a toll on the teen’s mental health.

“It was heartbreaking for her because she has to be with people. She does not learn well online,” Brandy Vega said. She’s like, ‘I have to go to school, I have to have it. ‘

Vega said it was incredibly difficult for her daughter to fall behind in school and by the end of February, her 14-year-old was in a crisis again.

That evening they took her to the hospital. Their last struggle is to get her follow-up treatment, which they say is difficult to obtain.

“The mental health crisis for teens and teens is through the roof. You can not get them into a counselor. They are not taking new patients. They are all overwhelmed. The treatment facilities are overwhelmed,” Vega said.

Nationwide image of teens’ mental health

The Vega family is not alone. The CDC found that children aged 5-11 after mental health care at ERs increased by 24% in 2020 from 2019. For children aged 12 to 17, visits increased by 31%.

Utah has seen a similar increase in the use of mental health resources. Fortunately, this was not an increase in the number of suicides.

‘During the pandemic, our adolescent [suicide] numbers have not increased, ”said Michael Staley, suicide research coordinator at the medical examiner’s Utah office.

Last year’s numbers are not complete, but during the first nine months of 2020, there were 28 suicides aged 10-17 in Utahns. Staley said the number is likely to be at a rate consistent with what the state has seen for that age group over the past three years: 42 in 2017 and 40 in both 2018 and 2019.

“Utahns seem to be pretty resilient at least so far. We’re still in the middle of the pandemic, but Utahns got through this and our suicide rates have not increased,” he said.

Do not be afraid to have that conversation.

–Michael Staley, Suicide Research Coordinator, Utah Office of Medical Investigator

Calls to the CrisisLine suicide prevention facility in Utah increased during the first ten months of 2020.

“It’s hard to know if this increase was due to the pandemic, or if it’s part of the regular growth,” Staley said.

Either way, Staley said now is the time to talk to our teens about suicide, even if it feels like a difficult conversation.

“Do not be afraid to have that conversation. You can always ask the question, ‘Are you thinking about suicide? Do you think you might want to end your own life? Are you going to kill yourself?’ “If you do not ask the question, you are not going to introduce something they do not know, ‘he said.

Have the courage to have difficult conversations

The Vega family insists on having such difficult conversations after their own experience.

“Sometimes children want us to ask the difficult questions. They do not want to come and tell us, but they are willing to be honest if we ask them,” Vega said.

They hope that by telling others, others will realize that they are not alone and that you can now take steps to help your children.

“It’s our job as parents to protect our children. And it’s one of the biggest threats they face,” Vega said. “If you are not prepared to give this talk, you may not get an opportunity.”

Vega’s daughter is currently in an inpatient care facility.

If you or a loved one is struggling, help is available. The Utah Department of Health points to three mental health resources:

  • The Suicide Prevention Crisis: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
  • The free Safe UT app
  • www.liveonutah.org, where parents can get step-by-step instructions on how to start the conversation with their children

Suicide prevention sources

If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts or showing warning signs, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

Additional hotlines for crises

  • Utah County Crisis Line: 801-226-4433
  • Salt Lake County / UNI Crisis Line: 801-587-3000
  • Wasatch Mental Health Crisis Line: 801-373-7393
  • National text line for the prevention of suicide crises: SMS “HOME” to 741-741
  • Trevor Project Hotline for LGBTQ Teens: 1-866-488-7386

Online resources

In an emergency

  • Call the police
  • Go to the emergency room

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