“Ustedes no saben lo que es vergüenza deportiva”

The reboarder of the Rebaño signals that the current players do not like the team that represents

Chivas’ exdelantero, Adolfo ‘Bofo’ Bautista, criticizes the current players of the tapatio team over the derrota that suffers against America, at the Akron Stadium by goal 3 to 0 and signaled that the players who were active this night did not love the institution.

“Ustedes jugadores no saben lo que es vergüenza deportiva”, writes Bautista.

Además, and a video below a su cuenta de Instagram, the exdelantero aggregated in his message that the elements do not know what it is “love the shirt”.

A lo largo de la última semana ‘Bofo’ does not have to repair by criticizing the rival team and questioning the level of players like the Uruguayan Federico Viñas.

For another lady, he started to support the idea of ​​changing the furniture number: “Qué hermoso estadio JORGE VERGARA”, number of the failed two-year-old from the Jalisco club.
