USA: Biden tropieza tres veces al subir las escaleras del aviden presidencial | International

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, tropes this three days ago to include the escalators of the presidential plane, Air Force One, which is the visiting city of Atlanta. As he displayed the images of his party, Biden lost the balance a first time when the escalators climbed with the right hand to the barandilla, and did not look at the box, but did not allow the other man in the chair. Despuely, Volvo tropezar otras dos veces seguidas, y en la ultima de ellas acabó cayendo de un lado, aunque se reincorporó immediate.

After a short period of time, the mandate was expedited to reach the end of the escalation and leave the air to make the military salute before entering the aircraft. Biden’s team remains important to the tropics. The president “is well known for what he is”, said to the periodicals aboard the plane Karine Jean-Pierre, press secretary of the Blanca House, who underlined the wind that made this media at the base of the Andrews air force ( Maryland), of which Air Force One habitually. “I’m going to go under the escalators,” the spokesman said, adding that one day the president was well off in the tropics. The United States Mandate and Vice President, Kamala Harris, traveled to Atlanta to meet with Asian-origin states, including three of the deadliest deaths in Asian massage parlors.
