US daily vaccinations against covides rise by a record 1.25 million

The number of doses of Covid vaccines administered in the US rose by 1.25 million on Monday, a daily record increase amid the otherwise slow roll-out of the shots.

Bloomberg counts the vaccine doses administered in the US and around the world, and collects data from state information reports and the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. As the CDC and some states do not report over the weekend, Monday’s count includes catching up with previous days.

is related to US daily vaccinations against covides which according to record 1.25 million

Since the U.S. began administering on Dec. 14, 9.27 million doses have been given, and at least 379,862 people have received their second shots. Early vaccination efforts focused on health workers, but complaints about the slow pace have led some governors to run the programs to expand it to more groups.

Click here to read Bloomberg’s vaccination.
