UPR extends online solicitation letter to start studies in August 2021

The University of Puerto Rico (UPR) extended until February 17 the deadline for new students applying for admission to start studies next academic year, which began in August 2021, informs the President of the institution on March Jorge Haddock.

At present, the UPR has received 8,643 applications for admission, representing 2,503 additional applications for receipts during the previous year.

“Last year was atypical for high school students and their families, as was the case with the education system. For this reason, we will extend the admissions process with the proposed support and the mayor’s time so that the required requirements can be completed. Starting university studies at the University of Puerto Rico is the beginning of a great future and we want to ensure that, under the auspices of this historic moment, there is a great opportunity that will bring us to a professional, academic and personal level, ”Haddock indicated .

For his part, the director of the Office of Admissions of the UPR, Ivonne Calderón, explained that the application for application for admission is a simple and agile one, which is carried out online through the portal upr.edu/admisiones/.

“Even though the process is virtual, the university has staff specialized in orienting and clarifying students’ questions through electronic and mediated telephone communication. We support the application of solicitation and ensure that comrades live the unique experience of studying at the UPR ”, Calderón said.

To channel questions, including applying for and coordinating orientations for schools, through professional and academic counselors, you can write to: [email protected]

To access the recent phone numbers and units you can visit: Student Support

Calderón indicates that the admissions criteria are “continuous since the mistakes: the student’s general award and the result of the university admission test”. Without embarrassment, students can present their solicitations before receiving the exam results.

Meanwhile, the Vice President of ASR Student Students of the UPR, Dr. José Perdomo, exhorted the students to announce the new academic offer, extracurricular activities and services available through the Admissions portal.

“From the University of Puerto Rico we will continue to identify resources and opportunities for the mayor of Puerto Rican and international students related to access to the education of excellence that characterizes the principal teaching center of our island. The COVID-19 pandemic is not an obstacle to ensuring that universities are dissatisfied with the unique and experienced experience that UPR offers, by inviting students who are in their final year of higher education to complete their process of admission to the first academic and scientific center of Puerto Rico ”, recommended by the academic.

Professionals interested in receiving the offer of graduate studies and applying for admission can apply to: Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez, Recinto de Río Piedras and Recinto de Ciencias Médicas. In the official portals you will find information about requisites, registration forms and other details of interest. In addition, you can participate in open houses and other events that offer once-in-a-lifetime mediations and online platforms.

Currently, the UPR offers its online technology training programs as a means of avoiding the COVID-19 contagion. From August onwards, it will be possible to return the classes in full present form or by means of a median partisan system of hybrid hybridization. The institution has health and safety protocols, as well as a repertoire plan that is updated in accordance with the instructions given by the Governor of Puerto Rico through executive orders.
