Unstados: rob anillo de su ex para proprim matrimonio a su novia en Florida | News – People – Culture

The Sheriff’s Office of the County of Volusia, located in the state of Florida, in the United States, announced this February 11th through a communiqué that was in the search of Joseph Davis, a man who robbed the novice of his novel to propose matrimony to another woman.

The subject, 48 years old, was searched by the cargo of aggravated hurts after robbing and tracing to his novices, which are known in the citation site OKCupid.

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Agreed with the authorities, use the alias ‘Joe Brown’ with one of his partners and ‘Marcus Brown’ with the other.

The double life of the delinquent was discovered by one of his novels. The woman who lives in Orange City, Florida, and who lived with Davis since 2015, entered Facebook through my friend who had already compromised with another woman.

Thank you for an image published in this social network, which is believed to be compromised. llevaba unigu anuel a uno suyo de un matrimonio anterior.

Enttones, revised his play and noted that faltaban ese and other articles of value. All Davis’ robots have a cost of $ 6,270, approximately $ 22 million.

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Joseph Davis.

Joseph Davis, 48 ​​years old.


Facebook of the Sheriff’s Office of Volusia

Indignated with the situation, he was contacted by Davis’ Promise, with whom she’s sally since 2016.

To listen to the story, the second couple, living in Orlando, it is clear that the man also robbed the robbers of their joys and his portable computer where he was living in his apartment.

También the account to the authorities that on one occasion Davis left the house of his first couple in Orange City, while this was found working.

Second, the day that this property was suya and the proposal that it was allied with el. When it comes to the list for the dance, Davis comments that the deal with the house is not concrete.

Ambas mujeres decidieron denunciar al hombre en conjunto.

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(If we read from the app here is the Facebook post of the Sheriff’s Office of Volusia).

The man was shot dead and convicted of felony criminal mischief for firing on a sculpture with a shotgun, according to police in Oregon.

The following is a comment from the promising comment on the Sheriff’s Facebook page: My husband is the victim in Orlando. It’s now belonging to our family “.

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