Unlock iPhones while wearing a face mask: now easier, if you have iOS 14.5 – and an Apple Watch

Apple in 2017: “Nothing has ever been simpler, more natural and effortless. We call it Face ID. This is a real executive quote, from when the company introduced face recognition on the iPhone X.

Apple in 2021: “Nothing has ever been … less natural or more difficult. We call it Face No ID. This is a very well-crafted quote that reflects the outline of facial recognition now that masks are essential.

The global pandemic has thrown a wrench into Apple’s latest, leaky split mug scanner: our faces can not be our passwords if our faces cannot be seen. And entering waiting codes on the whole from strangers and co-workers can be a security risk, especially for healthcare providers and other front-line workers who spend hours on end.

Well, mask or no mask, Apple’s Face ID works again – sort of.

With the iOS 14.5 update – which was released by the company’s public beta software app on Thursday and is expected to be released in the spring – you can unlock your iPhone without entering a password, even if your face is obscured. Just one expensive little catch: you need an Apple Watch – and it needs to be unlocked on your wrist. Talk about a well-designed Apple trap. Apart from that, this synergy is amazing.
