Unlike Biden admin, Trump has made allies know we ‘have their backs’

The week

New audio, video from the Capitol riot on January 6, shows how DC police struggled under hostile horde

The House voted last week to award the Congressional Medal of Honor to the Capitol Police for their efforts to protect the Capitol and members of Congress from the violent crowd on January 6th. But the resolution, against twelve Republicans, would also give Congress’ greatest honor to the DC Metropolitan Police (MPD), which quickly responded to the Capitol police’s call for backing. The New York Times on Sunday published a video with new audio from the MPD highlighting the role the DC police played in defending the Capitol. The video focuses on police radio communications from Inspector Robert Glover, a high-ranking MPD veteran specializing in crowd control and high-profile protests, ‘synchronized with the video of the assault. The video is not for the faint of heart. U.S. Attorney Michael Sherwin, who oversaw a federal investigation into the January 6 siege until Friday, told CBS’s 60 Minutes that nearly 400 people who violated the Capitol have already been charged, and the arrests are “not at all. “not over. “Why were the rioters allowed to leave without arrest?” 60 minutes of Scott Pelley on Sunday’s broadcast. “Look, I can not speak for the officers,” Sherwin said. “It was an armed battle inside and outside the Capitol – literally – and the cases prove it. And I think the first goal was the safety of the officer and of course the safety of the congressmen inside the Capitol. Goal # 2, I believe, was to clear the grounds to ensure that the count could continue.The third objective, I believe, was seen as law enforcement, and therefore I think, many people could escape or leave.But look, again nine weeks 400 people have been charged, so we’ll make up the ground. “Sherwin also explained why the suspected rioters would probably not be able to get off by saying that they only followed the orders of former president Donald Trump. More stories from theweek.com An advantage in the benefits for social security America’s declining fertility rate Baltimore chef drives to Vermont to cook the customer her favorite dish.
