Univision completes the sale of the majority of its business to private investors

Univision, the Spanish television channel of the mayor’s audience in the United States, announced this March that it has completed the sale of a majority participation and its shareholder and the search firms investment firm Searchlight Capital Partners in ForgeLight LLC.

The operation, which was announced last month in February, will now have completed all the requisites, including the good looks of the regulators.

The new duos control 64% of Univision’s capital, while the Mexican communications media group Televisa will retain 36% of the property it has now and maintain the agreement it has with Univision over the distribution of its contents in Estados. .

The executive Wade Davis, former financial officer of the Viacom media conglomerate and founder of ForgeLight, met with the director of the operation at the new director general of Univision.

“I would like to associate with Searchlight and Television to start this new and exciting stage for Univision”, Davis signaled in a statement, as he assured that with the support of both companies the television channel can “approve in full” as a “Spanish Leader Container Company in the United States”.

“Univision’s recognizable and trustworthy brand, consistent with its leadership in the service of an important and creative consumer audience, has given us an incomparable opportunity to host an exit with a mayor,” he added.

Univision, which has its headquarters in New York as part of its operations near Miami, is the most potent Hispanic chain in the United States.

Su vernaamste mededinger en ese mercado es Telemundo, propiedad del grupo NBC Universal, wat ‘n su vez está controlado por el gigant de los medios y las telecomunicaciones Comcast.
