United States will provide the time for more mortality rates in years to come

(CNN) – The coronavirus pandemic has caused difficulties in the economy, the health care system and the schools of the United States. But some experts say that it is also guilty of a recent increase in deaths in avalanches. Yes, seriously.

As of this winter, 33 people have been killed in avalanches in the United States, according to the Colorado Avalanche Information Center (CAIC). This is not the time of the record of 36 deaths established in 2008 and newly launched in 2010.

But a unique combination of climate-related trends and the pandemic could make the United States break the record. He’s over.

The climate creates avalanche conditions …

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States (NOAA) doubles as the three necessary factors to ensure an avalanche is a pendant, a cape and a detonator.

La pendiente es obvia. But the cape of snow refers to the accumulation of snow in the sun.

Each tower has a different type of snow, which accumulates in capes. This year, the most debilitating capacities are deep in the cape of snow, while the most powerful capes are in the superior part. This is what he found in an unstable incredible surface, says Brian Lazar, sub-director of CAIC.

“This year we were wearing a pretty thick cape of snow, the only type of condition that only occurs every 10 years or less,” Lazar told CNN. “This structure is very proprietary for producing avalanches.”

“As any structure, no matter that the more debilitating materials are on the inferior part, because when constructing a new mantle structure with more debilitating capabilities of more powerful capabilities, the condition is perfect for producing avalanches”, dij.

Lazar says that the effects of the climatic change, in particular the long periods of continuous sequencing intensities, contribute to the debilitating capability of this season.

“This year is characterized by nevadas in the principle of the time that quedaron pegadas al suelo seguid of a period of fairly pronounced sequence, and when tens are these sequential periods during free and unspecified conditions, the new existing in the chapel is convien” , dijo.

… Pero the people on the campus des descadenan

Approximately 90% of avalanche accidents are provoked by the victim or the victim in the victim group, according to the Utah Avalanche Center.

With the coronavirus pandemic aun in the United States, more people than ever go to the mountains to enjoy the nature and avoid the crowds, where the virus spreads. Many are initiated by the ski, snowboard and snowmobiles.

Snow Trails, an esquí station in Mansfield, Ohio, experimented with a 60%-time document and visitors and compared it to the timeline of the past year, told CNN by Nate Wolleson.

There is a tendency that extends throughout the country, including many public and national parks, according to Dr. Karl Birkeland, Director of the Centro Nacional de Avalanchas del Servicio Forestal de EE.UU ..

Although in general it is good that there are more visitors, the debilitating cape of this time has been that the winter sports are much more exciting, especially on campus, where the avalanches are common.

“We are seeing dramatic increases in the use of our public animals, because it has more people skiing and practicing snowboarding, and it means that it has more potential descending factors,” said Birkeland. “The pandemic has definitely increased the number of people on the campus, which has increased our exposure to possible avalanche accidents.”

CNN meteorologist Derek Van Dam’s echo of Birkeland’s evaluation, saying the debilitating cape combined with a mayor’s bag of gunpowder has contributed to the death toll for this season’s.

“La gente simpliere quiere herhaal al aire libre y evitar grandes menigte”, dijo. “The escape route proportions this escape is almost point”.

But many of these people do not have experience in winter sports, are familiar with the terrain and team caricatures for avalanches, said Craig Gordon, presenter of the Utah Avalanche Center.

Suggest that visitors consult the prognosticators of avalanches before embarking on adventures and that live security teams, such as palaces and balconies, emit radio signals that are used to locate the injured victims.

“It’s not important to plan to recreate on campus, make sure to get the team, training, prognosis and avoid deaths,” Gordon said.

– Jennifer Gray and Drew Kann de CNN contributed.
