United States will bring an era and reclaim the country to legal immigration

Imported phrases. That in the Trump administration eran “illegal extras”, in Biden’s son “no citizens”.

In addition to modifying the lexicon, Joe Biden has taken the initiative to dismantle good parts, and essential parts, of doctrine trumpet . The President of the United States has restored the country to legal immigration, which has no frontier walls, walls, and superior qualifications.

The Biden Administration uses any installation that its antecedent uses to access minors

Biden signed an order authorizing the licensing of green cards (permanent residence) and cancels the prohibition he filed against his predecessor. Trump adopted this determination, the first step, with the apology to protect the labor costs of the states during the period of the pandemic.

In fact, many people interpret Trump as the sanitary crisis in order to attack the influx of immigrants that passes through the official ventilla, noting that there is no exact “Norwegian” approach, a white and Western model to which aspiration aspires.

The time has been demonstrated, and it has been subdued The Wall Street Journal , there is no suspicion of anti-Trump, and no experts, that it bans the various economic sectors.

It has been established that the stadiums do not have queries, or have no capacity, to make tares called “the others”.

In his memorandum, Biden stated that he was “not responding to the interests of the United States”. “Everything on the contrary”, remark.

“Prudential to the United States, including the impediment that family members of citizens and permanent residents are united to their families,” recalls. “También daña a industrias de EE.UU. which utilizes the talent of all the world ”, reitera. Insists that its revocation, in favor of green card applicants, “does not detract from national interests”.

‘N Eerste speler van die president, die president Biden enmendó otras dos orddes de Trump: la que convirtió a Nueva York, Seattle, Portland (Oregon) en Washington DC en anakurades aniquistas, y la que obligaba a aplicar arxitectonicos kanosicos closicos en la construcción of federal editions.

All these rupture elements with an era impending that the gloom of the passage is projected in the present. Possible amnesty to the once millions of undocumented in the country, one of Biden’s proposals, surge as an element of rupture between the political gangs or within the Democrats.

However, this last week has seen an increase in the number of unaccompanied minors traveling to Mexico. Hasta el martes, circa de un millar se hallaba en custodia de la guardi fronteriza.

All are considered in the hope of being transferred to refugees supervised by the Department of Health and Human Services.

The spokesman for Casa Blanca, Jen Psaki, acknowledged that some of these minorities were in detention conditions for as long as 72 legal hours.

This collapse of collapse, due to the meteorological inclinations of some days, has led to the fact that many progressives were unpredictable. The Biden Administration has repaired the facility that Trump created to keep detainees at these teens in Carrizo Springs (Texas).

There is a difference. This is a very small solo solo. During Trump’s mandate, the separation of his parents, in application of the policy of “zero tolerance”, and one 500 sigu ns will be averaging his progenitors.

The architect of this cruel policy, Stephen Miller, listened to Fox to criticize Biden’s repertoire and call it “inhumane” the decision not to expel the informant and his nieces.
