United States: the moment when Donald Trump fled the White House – EU and Canada – International

At 8:18 a.m. from the house (local time) salio of the Casa Blanca the saliente president of the United States, Donald Trump, accompanied by his wife Melania Trump. The Marine One helicopter in the Campo Sur of the United States Presidential House, as directed by a suspended road, will be waiting to send some salutes to a number of assistants who will be found in the area.

(Also: Donald Trump gave a card to Joe Biden).

Asi transmits some international media the exact moment that the president of the White House and board the helicopter:

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Posteriormente, aterrisz at Base Andrews, ubicada a las afueras de Washignton DC, en donde una banda la la Fuerza Aérea tocó “Hail to the Chief” (Salve el Jefe) y cañones del Ejército saludaron con una salva de 21 disparos.

(In addition: Live: photos of Joe Biden’s position in United States).

At the base, tenian disposes of the scenario for his discourse of salida, which does not count with crowds, sino with alrededor of 500 sympathizers and media that acudieron to his despede.

“We have the most powerful countries in the world,” Trump said in a brief speech. “Fue mi burgemeester eer y privilegio ser su presidente. Que tengan una buena vida.”, Dijo.

(You can be interested in: In vivo: Biden has a unit of law through jurisprudence as president).

Watch the video here, si nos lee desde la app.

Finally, the magnate Donald Trump, llego to his Mar-a-Lago golf club in the south of Florida, where the planet remains, abandonment city for the last time at Casa Blanca.
Trump follows Palm Beach and the presidential Air Force One lieutenant in the act of assisting his successor, Joe Biden.

Trump despises presidential plane

According to his speech in the Andrews base, Trump aborted the presidential aviation, which finally took him to his residence in Florida.

Tendencies EL TIEMPO.
