United States suspends agreements with Central American countries, what does it mean?

The President’s Governor, Joe Biden, announced this Saturday that he was able to reach an agreement with three countries of Central America –Guatemala, Honduras and El SalvadorDonald Trump to be able to deport allies to migrants who seek asylum in the United States – signed by the administration of the executor.

One of these treaties, based in Guatemala, has been suspended for one year due to the sanitary emergence of coronavirus. Lthe agreements with El Salvador and Honduras, in exchange, never implemented, explained the Department of State.

These pacts, known as ‘third country security’, require asylum seekers to pass through these countries ahead of time on the United States front desk first protection. Therefore, it claims to reduce the volume of ingress to the front of the front.

[Cada vez más migrantes y niños no acompañados cruzan la frontera: algunos son liberados, otros deportados]

This medium contains a number of other words that Biden and his Governor announced in migratory matters on the first days in the cargo and that there are directs and withdraws anti-immigrant policies from its predecessor.

United States has suspended and initiated the process of concluding the Agreements of Cooperation of Asylum with the Governors of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras as the first concrete steps on the road to a mayoral association and cooperation with the President, the Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.

Migrants deported from the United States to Guatemala in 2019. AP / AP

What does it mean for the migrants to cross the border?

Since the agreement with Guatemala was carried out, 945 migrants have been deported, according to a report by Senado quoted by The Washington Post. Many of them are not citizens of these countries, the cities of El Salvador and Honduras, then there are treaties with United States permits.

[“Quería una mejor vida”. Así murieron baleados y quemados 13 migrantes centroamericanos en territorio narco mexicano]

In agreement with this information, the first asylum seeker will enter this year, and the majority will seek solicitation. The post office as Guatemala-see a very small country prepared for the management of international protection and offer protection, he has, as well as his wounds, other problems with poverty and violence.

If you have heard the number of people he meets this review of the destination of acabar deportadas in a place with the same problems that habian said today he has reduced respect to the tens of miles he applied for asylum in the United States pronto the suspension of the agreements to tercer pais seguro deberían suponer que nadie más corra the risk of living the same experience bejor esos supuestos.

El Gobierno wants to make it clear that the end of his pact, without embarrassment, “It does not mean that the front of the United States is open”, según dijo Blinken. It demonstrated the intention to change the manner in which Central American migrations — in particular, in the last months after the pandemic — met with the Trump Administration’s action.

The idea is to help migrant workers in the process — migrants, in addition to the global sanitary crisis of COVID-19 and beyond Structural problems of violence and poverty, also by recent natural disasters provoked by the step of the Hurricane Eta and Iota — to develop opportunities of a better life for their citizens and thus avoid being forced to emigrate.

[Una pequeña aldea de Guatemala está de luto por la masacre de 13 migrantes en Tamaulipas, México]

The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, revealed by telephone the new mandate that Biden had agreed to pay 4,000 million dollars to impose the deportation of Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala and free me.

While so many, immigrants cross the front and are liberated

United States also has an agreement with Mexico on the principles of the pandemic in order for this country to accept migrants expelled by the vehicle of the north in how cruzaran the front with the added justification of the sanitary risk that supondría acogerlos in its proposed foreign reception system.

For a recent Mexican holiday has provoked a change of situation on the front lines, and it is established that the country is not going to accept families or minor unaccompanied minors by United States.

And there were several detention centers for migrant workers it does not have the capacity to receive more people, the Gobierno has set out to become libertarian in Texas for the migrants who cross the front, in the hope that they will seek asylum.

But it is not clear if this medium is temporarily temporary or will follow in time. Many migrants who have recently joined the frontline are hoping that the new administration will push them one step further than what Trump wants. And there are activists who favor the first migratory media of Biden.

Pero Blinken warns: “If we are to compromise, we will extend the legal visas for protection and opportunities here and in the region, the United States is a country with fronts and roads that must be completed”.

With information from AP, EFE and The Washington Post.
