United States register the mayor’s record of deaths by COVID-19

The United States has registered the death toll of COVID-19 deaths — about 3,900 — the same day that the attack on a turbo by the Capitol showed some of the deep-seated political divisions that had obstructed the battle against the pandemic.

The contagios van en aumento in various states and California is affected with particular severity: the juveniles reported a record number of 1,042 deaths from coronavirus in two days. Increasing the number of deaths and contagions will make it obligatory for hospitals to justify the attention and, in essence, decide who will live and who will die.

“Gente lucha por respirar. It appears that it is attached when it is in the front of our bed, ”commented Dr. Jeffrey Chien, a physician at the Emergency Room of the Central Medical Center of Santa Clara Valley. “It goes without saying that our aids because we are not on the first line. We are in the ultimate line ”.

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Around 1.9 million people died of coronavirus worldwide, more than 360,000 of them in the United States. December was for the most part the month with the number of deaths in the country, and the experts advised that one could be paid at family reunions and trips through the festivities of the time.

A new most contagious variant of the virus is propagated worldwide, and also by the United States. The rest of the verse, in addition, which has a burning effect on the public outcry of President Donald Trump’s party attendance this week in Washington, many of them without mascara.

Trump has kept importing the virus and designing the mascarillas, and many of his sympathizers follow suit. Destroyed the quarantines and incited the protesters who were subject to restrictions in states such as Michigan, where their armed parties invaded the legislature some months ago.

The miracles, when a hordes of protesters stormed the Capitol to impede the certification of Joe Biden’s electoral triumph, United States registered 3,865 coronavirus deaths, agreed with Johns Hopkins University. The figures can fluctuate drastically after the holidays and the weekends.

“Internal terrorists rebel against the Capitol’s police, in the same way that the virus has rebounded in the United States,” said Dr. Eric Topol, head of the Scripps Research Translational Institute. “United States lost control control to a turbo-charged Trump and led to a pandemic virus minimized by Trump.”

Some say that he contributed to the eruption of the violence, which was presented in particular by experts and global planning when he carried out a theoretical exercise in 2019, said Dr. Eric Toner, an academic at the Center for Health Security at the UJC.

“We will consider the possibility of active disinformation and the approval of a pandemic for political change,” Toner said. “La vida ware result – ser mucho peor”.

In California, health authorities are reporting the 583 new deaths, one day after listing 459. The total death toll in California since the beginning of the pandemic is more than 28,000.

The state also recorded more than a quarter of a million new weekly cases, in Arizona alone in California in cases for residents. Florida rebased its highest number of cases in a single day with more than 19,800 and accumulated 22,400 bankruptcies.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have informed that more than 5.3 million people in the United States have received their first dose of the vaccine against COVID-19, much to the chagrin of millions of citizens who the necessary to freeze the virus.
