United States pids the “immediate release” of Cuban opposition leader José Daniel Ferrer

Julie Chung, Assistant Secretary of the Office of Assistants of the Occidental Hemisphere in the Department of State (AP / Luis M. Alvarez / Archive)
Julie Chung, Assistant Secretary of the Office of Assistants of the Occidental Hemisphere in the Department of State (AP / Luis M. Alvarez / Archive)

El gobierno de los Estados Unidos pidió este viernes the immediate release of Cuban opposition leader José Daniel Ferrer, detained hours before the regime, and signaled that his arrest as the redemption in the organization that presides in Santiago de Cuba is “unacceptable”.

“Democracy and human rights in Cuba are becoming a pillar of foreign policy. Ferrer debería will be released immediately and his home collection will have to end ”, dijo Julie Chung, Assistant Secretary of the Office of Asuntos of the Occidental Hemisphere in the Department of State, in her Twitter account ..

The arbitrary detention of the presiding officer José Daniel Ferrer and the speech in the general districts of the Union of Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU) that should take place in Santiago de Cuba boy unacceptable ”, express.

The information about Ferrer’s arrest was forced to be sent by Ana Belkis Ferrer García, hermana del detenido, integrante de UNPACU y Dama de Blanco en el exilio.

In the image, the Cuban opponent José Daniel Ferrer (EFE / Alejandro Ernesto / Archivo)
In the image, the Cuban opponent José Daniel Ferrer (EFE / Alejandro Ernesto / Archivo)

Following the Twitter account of the proposal Ferrer, García manifesto: “My informant from Santiago de Cuba is that a young man who is with the castrated Sicarians lives with me on the other side of the seat (by UNPACU), that other sicarius continue adentro, and that are pending the parades and eliminating the cartels of ‘Patria y vida’, between otros ”.

Y agregó: “Hago is responsible for Raúl Castro, Miguel Díaz-Canel and sus sicarios for the physical and psychological integrity of my valent hermano, of his family and activists within the main seat of UNPACU in Reparto Altamira, tras asalto sus fuerzas represivas ”.

For his part, the opponent Jorge Castro informa en la misma red social que “desde Santiago de Cuba están llegando rapport die un voldo asalto“Y que”the police broke the rejuvenation of the living”.

According to local media information, Ian Gómez, Ferrer’s car, claiming to leave at 8:30 a.m. A huge operation against the UNPACU seat”By Altamira, Santiago de Cuba. ‘Tropical National Police (PNR) trophies with multiple vehicles, including motorbikes, motorbikes, trucks and filming equipment“, Detail.

Opposition leader arrested by Santiago de Cuba
Opposition leader arrested by Santiago de Cuba

Luego consigno que create a perimeter to prevent any person from passing and, including him, that is the vecino of the place, the impidieron that is to be found in the gate of the seat of political aggregation.

In addition to Daniel Ferrer, in the bed he finds his wife, his little ones and other people que trabajan af UNPACU.

Ferrer was the victim of an intention of aggression in the past. “The regime’s agents are urging job sellers to step up. Agi lo ven. Agents of tyranny vined to approve and this is the response of the people indignant by the cobardia”, Denunció Ferrer in his social speeches.

“We do not want to be intimidated by the fact that we are going to take care of the food. Nadie was talking about sigmaos waiting for the crowd. We will follow up with comida. We will follow up with medical attention to the people in need“, A Cuban crossing that the defender defends, the portal has confirmed cubitanow.


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