United States of America reaffirms its support in Taiwan for China sending planes to Iceland to “intimidate”

United States reaffirmed his support for Taiwan after China send aircraft of combat near the island in an apparent intention to intimidate its governing democracy and try to test the determination of the new governing state.

The Department of State indicates that the company is concerned about the “China (employer) of continuous intentions to intimidate its neighbors, including Taiwan”.

“We are going to Beijing to end its military, diplomatic and economic pressure on Taiwan and, in its place, to engage in a meaningful dialogue with the democratically elected representatives of Taiwan.”, dijo in a communiqué Ned Price, vocero del department.

Taiwan Defense Ministry signaled Saturday China also has bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons in combat jets to its air defense identification zone in the suroeste of the island. Domingo, China sends other 16 military ships of various types to the same zone, aggregate.

Taiwan responds by sending combi aircraft, transmitting advertisements by radio and “Depleted air defense missile systems to monitor activity”, aggregate the ministry.

Currently there is no comment on China’s domingo.

The fugitives flew as part of an objective pursuit cartridge with an objective governing body of President Tsai Ing-wen to go to Beijing’s demand to recognize Taiwan as part of Chinese territory.

Successfully through the recent investment of President Joe Biden, emphasizing the resilient posture of the island in the wide range of divisive themes between parties that also include human rights, commercial disputes and, more recently, of coronavirus.
