United States: New Political Juice Against Trump – EU and Canada – International

Members of the Democratic Party, outraged by the violent violence of the Capitol that protagonists this week following the president’s Donald Trump, seguían empujando ayer por su remokion del poder pese a que solo le restan menos de dos semanas en la Casa Blanca.

Nancy Pelosi, President of the Chamber of Representatives, indicates during the day that her collective the thought elevates cargo charges for his role in the trifle if the President does not voluntarily renounce or remove it from his office as the first 25th of the National Constitution.

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Agreements with sources at the Congress, the series of articles presented on Monday and May be approved before the end of the week. Somehow it is doubtful that the Democrats control the House of Representatives.

If successful, Trump se omskakelaar en elunico presidente de la historia en enfrentar dos juicios con fines de destitución. The first culminated in his Senate enrollment in January this year, thanks to the unanimous response of the Republican Party.

“It depends on the person and their cabinet if they want to be converted into a unit if they initiate the dispatch proceedings”, says Pelosi.


The first Political Juicio against Donald Trump was dissolved by the Republican Party’s mayoral support in the Senate.

“Trump is an amenity and so the rest of us will only have one day to govern the estates we have a great service to the people”, affirmed by him Daniel Kildee, another of the highest ranking Democrats in the Chamber.

For this, moreover, it is important that the “history reflects that Trump paid the highest of the consequences for the crimes that comedy against the country.”

Pelosi, in parallel, communicates with the jefe de las Fuerzas Armadas para request that the President withdraw his access to the EE’s nuclear arsenal. UU. and impede that comet a locura, how to attack another country.

(In context: Pelosi should try to ensure that President Trump does not use nuclear codes).

It seems that Trump has changed his mind at night and the term is bound to the protesters’ lie of promise a pacific transition and order of power, pocos vieron the gesture as an act of retaliation, sino to avoid the legal consequences and policies of its actions in these last days.

Importantly, the story reflects that Trump paid the most of the consequences for the crimes committed against the country.

As for the paper, the democracy of the Democrats has various shortcomings. Basically the time difference, then it goes through a complex process. Especially when going to Senado, which is the organ that adelante the juice.

But the intentions of his intentions have varied many more strategies that have very viable that he intends.

Differentiation of the beginning of the past year, when Trump holds absolute control of the Republican Party and the certainty of the congressmen was amarrada to the president of the cara in the November elections, the scenario in this occasion is completely different.

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Trump pierced the power in 11 days and, despite the incidents in these schools, his political capital was very dizzying. Moreover, what is on the media is much more serious. Although he was called al President of Ukraine to ask you to investigate Biden was a clear abuse of power, the more easy it was for the Republicans to claim that the destiny was a disproportionate caste.

Pero la toma del Capitolio, descritor por algunos de ellos como un act de terrorismo domestico o un insurrection, es un theme de otro caliber. Between others, because was treated as a symbol of EE democracy. UU. in which 5 people are killed, between them a police officer.

(Lea aquí Quiénes eran las cinco personas que murieron en el attack de Capitolio).

In other words, they will be much more difficult to defend the actions of the president and tampoco tendrian many incentives to do so.

Protests in the Washington Capitol

Protests in the Washington Capitol the fairgrounds passed.

De hecho, ya varios senadores republicanos han dicho que voted by his resolution. And if it is necessary to sum up at least 10, you can increase the price for others to sum up.

The horror of the party, without embarrassment, I prefer not to do. But before defending Trump’s actions, it’s saying that it’s a treaty to pass by the legislature only to divide more into countries.

For that matter, the Democrats’ strategy for these close proximity is to approve this cohort for sean the same Republican women who paid tribute to Trump.

(Además: Joe Biden disappears liberal vacant contra-el-covid-19 and Estados Unidos).

A very detailed scenario for the president Richard Nixon in 1974, when he was renounced in his cargo, he clarified that there were enough votes to obtain and it would be preferable to voluntarily convert them into the first mandatorio in history in sufrir semejante humillación.

If it does not succeed, the Democrats will continue to insist on the resolution of the 20th of January with the idea of block a possible Trump regression for 2024 elections, then the caste also preceded the political death.

Pero seria delicado, pues Biden ya se starar positioning y su principal messaje es la reconciliation del pais.

antes that defend Trump’s actions, that dicen (the Republicans) are the ones who treat themselves through legislative passages only divide more into the country

Find out more about President Dijeron Ayer Trump has no intention of giving up. But it is clear that this theme will be followed by several more days. On the other hand, Trump announced that do not assist in Biden’s position is January 20th.

(In context: Trump announces no aid to Biden’s investment ceremony).

There was a new rupture with the protocol of the power transition of the power in EE. UU. and only that she has been married on three occasions, the last of them is 150 years: John Adams in 1801, John Quincy Adams in 1829 and Andrew Johnson in 1869.

Biden, sondeverbod, is most pleased with the president’s decision. “Creo que is una las las pocas cosas las las estamos de acuerdo. Better to not appear, ”said Biden, speaking to the most incompetent president of EE’s history. UU.

Correspondent of EL TIEMPO
A twitter @ sergom68

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