United States Military Training in Honduras

Tegucigalpa, Honduras

United States Military Tarouta Bravo Fire Brigades, cantonados at Enrique Soto Cano Air Base in Honduras, participating in a Caribbean Air Force Rescue Training in Central American countries, informs this spring of a school

The takeover will take place from 15 to 24 April in the Colonial Department and will involve the personnel debriefing of the Fuerza de Tarea Conjoint Bravo hacia Puerto Castilla, to try out the command and operations of responding to a helicopter, indicating the Embassy of Estados United in Tegucigalpa in a communiqué.

In addition, UH-60, HH-60 and CH-47 helicopters will be used in the emergency, and “Colon deben residents anticipate the visibility of aerial movements near the Trujillo and Puerto Castilla areas during the training week”.

“The Tarea Force is frequently carrying out operations on the water, making this very important training for the preparation of the unit and increasing the capabilities of the response team in a situation similar to the scenario in practice”, added the information.

The Commander of the 1-228 Aviation Regiment, Adam Bock, said that “our operations during this man’s training with our compromise to maintain a prepared force”.

Military Honduras

“The training will serve to improve our abilities and preparation to respond to a helicopter incident or a similar contingent in the area”, added.

The diplomatic legacy is not an indication as to the participation of Honduran militaries.

United States maintains a reduced number of effective soldiers in the Soto Cano Base, which has all types of aircraft built by militaries in these countries at the beginning of the 80th anniversary of the war, in the years of the “free war” in Central America.

The Bravo Fire Force Jointly Bravo is one of three tariff forces near the United States Command that can provide a simple force to maintain its skills and capabilities to assist both the allied nations of these countries, as well as the forces stadiums within the area of ​​operations of Commando Sur, indicating the diplomatic legacy. EFE
