United States is losing a career with China | International | Notice

Here is the comment from the Secretary of State for Northeastern Pacific.


These Monday United States Reconstruction states are pursuing a career with China to address the opportunities created by the climate crisis, and that there is no ground on themes such as renewable energies, which will be eroded in the world by global warming.

Asi lo afirmó The Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, in a discourse on the climatic crisis that will take place as the antecedent of the Lombard Summit on the Climate, programmed for these Jews and birds by the White House.

“It is difficult to imagine the United States winning the strategic long-term competition with China if we do not lead the renewable energy revolution. Now we, we are still going back ”, said Blinken in his speech, delivered in Annapolis (Maryland).

The head of state diplomacy records that China is “the mayor producing solar panels, electric turbines, batteries and electric vehicles”, and “controlling a third of the world’s renewable energy patents”.

If the United States does not lower its level, “it will perpetuate the opportunity to shape the future climate of the world in a way that reflects its interests and values, and will ensure the privacy of employees for the status quo,” he warned.

In this sense, Blinken wrote as a strategic imperative for politicians to eliminate dependence on family combustion, although it recognizes that these policies “do not benefit from the shortage of all working workers”.

The increase in renewable investments planned by the Governor of the United States, Joe Biden, can “golpear duro” in communities that live from the production of carbon or petroleum, but the Casa Blanca proportions .

Blinken also announced that it had instructed diplomats in the United States to protest against “those who depend on carbon to produce a significant amount of energy, investing in new carbon factories or allowing massive deforestation”.

The United States is presiding over countries such as China, Japan and Korea in order to finance thermal plants fed on carbon and Brazil in order to contain the deforestation of the Amazon, which has increased its maximum levels during Jair Bolsonaro’s rule.

Last week, the United States’ special envoy for the climate, John Kerry, made a statement that Bolsonaro had promised to deal with illegal deforestation, but he believed that this compromise would be translated into “intermediate actions” and “tangibles”.

In addition to presiding over the Climate Change Summit on Climate Change, in which a virtual country participates in 40 countries, the United States plans to change the theme and a priority in the June 7th G8 summit, Blinken said. (I)
