United States Inform: ‘Honduras does not commit drug trafficking or activation’

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

A recent Information from the International Strategy on Narcotic Drugs (INCSR, by its English seal) from the United States Department of State reflects the actions taken by Honduras against narcotics.

“Honduras does not intend to facilitate the production or distribution of illicit drugs, nor to participate in the blank sale of illicit drug sales, due to the fact that corruption is taking place in the public interest of institutions”, quoted the informant.

The information shows that between September and August the Honduran authorities will be located in Puerto Cortés 642,680 kilograms of calcium oxide and 20,716 kilograms of carbonated carbon will be diverted for elicited production.

Assimilation, a signal that will last the first months of 2020 the cracking of cocaine superaron las of 2019, but the new books purchased by the Honduran Army are not active in anti-drug operations due to the lack of combustibility (which also restricts proactive abortion) and an inadequate maintenance.

The INCSR also details that the coca cultivation on a small scale has been present in Honduras for at least the last decade.

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The information from the Department of State sub-state that between the means implemented by the Honduran authorities to combat drug trafficking can increase the application of justice to the Police, the Ejército and other government officials involved in drug use.

United States compromises with Honduran authorities, by first informing President Tom Biden of his position, in order to prevent drug traffickers from using Honduran territory, to facilitate the collection, to facilitate the extraditions of traffickers more solid security in affected areas.


Assimismo, to combat the level of activity in the last quarter of 2019, Honduras, both coordinates of the National Commission of Banks and Securities (CNBS) and with the support of donors, establish a strategy regarding lava of money and combine with massive arms of destruction to implement laws and related regulations.

The Ley de Soberanía Aérea de Honduras is a possible first step in increasing the cooperation between the United States and Honduras in the fight against drug trafficking, as the Honduran government does not have the capacity to drive external support.

Además: Chronology: Honduras, 40 years of narcotics trampoline

In the same way, the security case, instituted in 2014 to compensate for financial challenges, has helped the security agencies; without embarrassment, it takes more funds to be able to fight against these groups.

The United States records that it assisted Honduras in enforcing the Central American Regional Security Initiative, while noting that it has established a partnership with the Government of Honduras to create a center for interpersonal and co-ordinating operations. , the Police, Honduran investigators and taxpayers.

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To finalize, the United States will continue to ensure that the capacity of Honduran institutions to combat drugs, corruption and other criminal offenses is curtailed. At a time when Honduran authorities are demonstrating greater capacity to implement interventions in 2020, brandbare insufficiency, breaches of command and control, lack of trust between military institutions, limited communications and applications of the army.

Julián Pacheco, Minister of the Secretariat of Security, demonstrates that “this is a radiography of what has been happening in Honduras in the last years also with the relationship to narcotics in three large areas: combining criminal structures with extradits, interception of drugs its denominations, on top of everything in Olancho and Colón, as well as the special unit that has come to work on finance intelligence “.

Pacheco Tinoco said that “there is a lot to do, but at least the route is against the structures and its motive is to continue working”.
