United States has set a record number of daily deaths by covid-19. The winter will be ‘awful’ antes de veamos ‘algo de luz’, dice an expert

(CNN) – United States establishment of new devastating records of covid-19 ministrs correlates the last hours of that which is a calamitous year for the nation.

On March, the country recorded more than 3,700 deaths related to the virus, a new record escalator. EE.UU. also reported the mayor’s hospital hospitalization by covid-19, with more than 124,600 patients in all countries, following the covid follow-up project.

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At the state level, Texas officials record hospital recordings of March, with more than 11,700 covid-19 patients to date, while Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp said a temporary hospital with 60 additional beds abrir en los proximos días.

According to Los Angeles, the hospital stays are higher than 7,200, which is 1,000% more than just two months. With an increase in patients, some hospitals are providing their own oxygen tanks.

“Hecho, creo that now are more than the oil or marejadas and this is a viral tsunami that we are experimenting”, says the epidemiologist Dr. Robert Kim-Farley.

And the expert experts that EE.UU. could bring covid-19 numbers to peers in black, impulsive at meetings and the travel routes of this month.

Only the lunar, more than 1.1 million people pass through the security checkpoints of the airports throughout the country, says the Transport Security Administration.

Variant of covid-19 identified in the United Kingdom is confirmed in United States 1:22

“The next few months will be horrible,” said Dr. Jonathan Reiner, Professor of Medicine at the George Washington University. “We’d lose 3,000, there are more people on the day, probably well into February. Y luego, we must empezar a ver algo de luz ».

Although there are vacancies in the course of this year, the process is taking place at the same time as many health care workers, and it is probable that months will pass before the common country has a significant impact, experts say.
