United States gets 600 million vacancies against COVID-19 fines July

The president, Joe Biden, said he was convinced that the United States would have enough vacancies against COVID-19 to pay fines of up to 300 million euros.

Biden received the announcement during a visit to the offices of the National Institutes of Health in Washington’s estates. I discovered the Viral Pathogenesis Laboratory that created the COVID-19 vaccine now manufactured by Moderna and which is being implemented in the United States and various countries.

The country is on the road to surpassing Biden’s goal of administering 100 million vacancy doses in its first 100 days in the cargo, with over 26 million injections administered in its first three weeks.

[Conoce aquí dónde, cuándo y cómo puedes vacunarte cerca de tu casa]

“This is only the beginning”, dijo Biden. “Our final objective is to find the COVID-19”.

Biden announces the players that United States has secured contractual agreements with Modern and Pfizer to obtain 600 million vaccine doses for the end of July, more than one month before the inauguration.

Biden visits the National Institutes of Health in Washington DC; on February 11, 2021.AP

“We are now on the road to having enough money for 300 million stadiums by the end of July”, announcement.

Fauci makes sure that everything he sees will be able to vacate in April

Mientras tanto, the chief specialist in infected diseases of the country, doctor Anthony Fauci, predicted that the vaccination against COVID-19 would accelerate in the next months and that it would open to the public in general in April.

The vacancy report will be reproduced “in mid-March and April”, the epidemiologist indicated in an interview with our magazine Nerman News, debating the new entrances of the two vacancies, Pfizer and Modern; the probable approval of a third, by Johnson & Johnson; and the federal government governs the distribution of the dose.

“When April comes, it will be a short time, it is said, practically all the world and every person of every category you can start vacating, ”said Fauci.

The vaccine is accessible now for the groups or priority categories, as workers in the first line of battle against the pandemic, major adults and people with pre-existing medical conditions that run a high risk of contagion. The categories are recommended by the Federal Governor as decided by each state.

Irma Mesa, 74, receives Pfizer-BioNTech Conra el COVID-19 and Jackson de Miami Hospital. Month has not been seen since January 2020.AP

Fauci warns, without embarrassment, that tomará “varies meses más” that all adults receive his dose. For this reason, it is predicted to be can log the collective munitions for fines of verano, always and when the Mayor of the public opte por vacunarse.

[Muchos latinos aún son reacios a vacunarse contra el COVID-19. Expertos explican por qué es importante hacerlo]

The commencement holiday campaign in December, with markets returning in its first month. The president, Joe Biden, has published a chronological order of distribution, inversions for the manufacture of vehicles and millions of doses for community centers.

About the most contagious cepas and the use of mascaras

Fauci was optimistic including what he had detected coronavirus ceps that are more contagious. Although the variant found in the United Kingdom is being offered more quickly, “the vacancies we have will work well” against it, Dijo Fauci said.

Now, the United States sanitary authorities have authorized the emergence of Moderna and Pfizer injections.

[Qué vacunas contra el coronavirus están disponibles y quiénes pueden recibirlas]

With respect to the new recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, in English) regarding the use of masks, record that “the right one is better if it is a quirurgical mask and a telescara mask“.

The experts have come up with new methods to ensure maximum protection: use mascarillas or a well-adjusted grid.

Fauci agrees that “a serious series will use a mask” when it receives the vaccine to protect the demas, online with the guys published by the experts in sanitary matter in the country.

The CDC has recommended that people who have been vaccinated completely (those who have received doses) against the coronavirus, not to mention that they have been vaccinated and have been exposed to excessive contact, salvo in exceptional cases.

The sanitary authorities are advising, without embarrassment, that must observe the same sanitary conditions as all, including the use of cubrebocas in public places, maintain at least six distance distances with otros, avoid the agglomerations and the constant maneuvering.

The motive is that although hayan received the protection of the vaccine and it is less probable that there are contagious symptoms of serious illness, the virus can live in nariz, boca and gargan and, by the way, can transmit it to others which is important to follow the paws.

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