United States Empress has sent checks to contributors. Consult here when and where will be sent on page

The Internal Rent Service (IRS) confirms this Saturday that it is generating direct deposits of up to $ 1,400 and that in the weekly transactions it continues to support the aid, in its minors through the corridor.

As the announcement was made by the United States Governor Joe Biden last week, the contributors with minor incidents who were affected by the Covid-19 pandemic were forced to collect checks up to $ 1,400.

The Internal Rent Service (IRS) confirms this Saturday that it is generating direct deposits and that it hopes that the Mayor of the payrolls will be integrated into the account of the beneficiaries. Asimismo dijo que in las proximas semanas se continuas con la intrag, algunas de estes llegarán medianre correo como check o de debita de debido.

The IRS facilitated the herramienta Get my payment in its webpage where you can consult immediately and it will be sent on its economic impact page. Puedes consultant on this link

VEA TAMBIÉN: Are you living in the United States and have not yet received the third aid check? Know here the details

Law of the Jews, Biden promulgates the legislation, the spokesman for the White House, Jen Psaki, said in a statement that their first payments form part of “a first oil”, and that “in the next few weeks” the rest of estadounidenses recibirán sus tjeks.

Biden signed in the Despacho Oval the 1.9 trillion-dollar fiscal recovery plan, which includes these payments and receipts in anticipation of the final approval of the Congress, with the aim of easing the economic effects provoked by the pandemic.

The plan exemplifies the direct transfers to contributors that ganen hassta $ 75,000 annually and for pares that sum $ 150,000. Individual people with a total of $ 75,000 and $ 80,000 will receive a grant, but this will be less.

For the first time, dependent adults will also receive a check for $ 1,400, even if they are not printed in the other packages of the most commonly approved package.

In addition to the direct payments, the idea is that if the Governor puts money in the pockets of the stadiums, the level of hospitality and the economy will continue to function.

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Biden’s impetus is estimated at $ 900,000 million that the Congress raised in December to $ 2.2 trillion, the mayor of the country’s history, in March 2020, including Republican President Donald Trump.

The United States is the country’s most affected by the pandemic, with more than 529,000 bankruptcies and 29 million cases.
