United States demands negative test of covid-19 to passengers traveling by plane | Sociedad

Travelers will review the results of the coronavirus test at the New York airport.
Travelers will review the results of the coronavirus test at the New York airport.KENA BETANCUR / AFP

United States demands that this March a negative test of covid-19 to all travelers who fly in the country and guard mandatory quarantine. The media are part of the executive order that was held last week by President Joe Biden on his first day at the White House. The Democratic Administration intends to delay the propaganda of the pandemic when the contagions in the country exceed the 25 million and the dead the 420,000. In addition, the new requirements pretend to avoid that travelers carry new coronavirus mutations.

“Do not try to eliminate all the giants, but, when combined with a period of quarantine and daily precautions such as mascarilla and social distance, you can do the most safe routes”, said the director of the Center parque de Control and Control Enfer (CDC, in English), Robert Redfield, announcing the new requisites. Can be PCR or antigen test, performed no more than 72 hours before the saliva. In December, the CDC imposed a negative test on the coming travelers of the United Kingdom through the detection of the new coronavirus variant. Many European countries are making more headlines and suspending general aviation with British countries.

The Democratic Administration restores this ban on non-citizen travel to the United States from the Schengen area, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Brazil, a medium that Trump has lifted earlier days of abandoning the White House. EE UU extends the suspension in South Africa due to the preoccupation with the propagation of a variant of the coronavirus in this country.

Biden announced this month that “in one week more than one can administer 1.5 million doses daily and evacuate daily to one million people or more in one week week”. The sanitary crisis is obviously a maximum priority for the poor administration. “Creo que para el verana estaremos bien encarrilados en nuestro objective tograr la immunadad de rebaño”, adelantó el mandatario, aunque también advirtio de que antes de que decline la curva, Estados Unidos “llegará a los 600.000 muertos”. The Governor confides in administering 100 million vacancies within the first 100 days of Biden in the White House. Also, any student who wishes to receive a vaccine should be able to do so in the first place, including the children.

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– Actuation guide prior to transmission
