United States call Nayib Bukele’s governor to eliminate corruption | El Salvador News

The Secretary of State Antony Blinken asserts that fighting impunity, advocating democracy and respecting the right is key. In the opinion of the analysts, the message is clear: that Washington has changed priorities and that the governing body is being observed.

The Secretary of State of the EE. UU., Antony J. Blinken, announced that he had filed a lawsuit with his Salvadoran counterpart, the Minister of External Relations, Alexandra Hill Tinoco.

In this, it is called to fight corruption and impunity, in order to defend the relationship between the United States and El Salvador.

In a colloquial communication on the website of the Department of State, the equivalent status of the Chancellery, the secretary of Blinken’s secretary said the issue between employees and the main themes that are discussed, between which results in the elimination of corruption.

“The Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke with the Minister of External Relations of El Salvador, Alexandra Hill Tinoco hoy”, published the institution.

In the discussion, it appears that if both countries can be reached, solutions can be found to the structural causes that motivate miles of salvadoran opten each year to emigrate without documents and in an irregular manner to the United States.

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It is consistent with the line of administration of Joe Biden to the Northern Triangle, a subregion formed by Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. The governor of EE. UU. to reduce the flow of migrants through the economic, institutional, democratic and security forces of Central American countries.

For this, according to the Department of State, Blinken welcomes the Salvadoran cancellation of the importance of eliminating corruption and combating impunity in El Salvador. It is a fundamental pillar of the Biden plan for Central America, which includes sanctions for employees involved in corruption.

This compromise, which the United States seeks to motivate in the region, also extends to democratic institutionalism. According to the communiqué, according to the communiqué, the councilor called the governor salvadoreño to “protect and fortify democratic institutions”.

This is a contrast to the administration of former President Donald Trump, who led the way for democracy and supported the ambassador Ronald Johnson’s ambassadors to Bukele in an unconditional manner, but in the most questionable moments. In response, Bukele was a follower of Trump’s questioners and draconian mediators.

And one with this espalage to a Bukele who has been transgressing more than authoritarianism, in May 2020 the Department of State and Trump will have come to terms with the salvadoran governing body debilitating democratic institutions. This week, at the moment, the military assembly of the Legislative Assembly passed on 9 February. Also, sign up for Quotes for the Independent Press.

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For this reason, Blinken has made it clear that it respects human rights, as well as combating corruption and impunity, will be fundamental pillars for bilateral relations and for ensuring peace and prosperity in the region.

Regarding the scandal, Hill Tinoco said on Twitter that “a wide range of topics of mutual interest, such as inversion, migration, state of security and security” was approached. In addition, a compromise was reached to end the relationship.

This, without embarrassment, is not in its best moment. In Washington, Bukele’s abuse abuses are all more condensed and by this, it will not be possible to hold a meeting with officials of the Biden administration in a recent visit to the state capital.

For Leonor Selva, candidate of Our Time for a dissertation and expert on international topics, it is noteworthy that the conversation took place over the telephone, despite the negative of the Biden team to meet with Bukele.

“This formality is an indirect message to the Governor of El Salvador that ‘the special treatment’ or ‘favoritism’ that Trump establishes with (Bukele) will not continue and that the Biden administration hopes that the relationship will be more formal and supportive. ”, Opinó Selva.

Además, dijo que es claro el enphasis en que El Salvador debe reforzar su “combate a la corruption, respeto al estado de derecho y respeto a los derechos humanos (…) temas que tendrán igual peso para EE. UU. here in adelante, and there will be themes that El Salvador will respect and prioritize in order to maintain the good relations between the lands ”.

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For Funde’s executive director, Roberto Rubio, the signal is current: Washington “has changed chips” and the priority is to defend democracy and eliminate corruption.

“The problem is that Washington’s agenda is at odds with the Salvadoran’s agenda, which is just about debilitating the State of rights, democratic rupture and corruption,” Rubio said.

This shock of priorities will provoke tensions between both governments, the director of Funde said.
