United States: At least ten dead in a tiroteo in a Colorado supermarket | International

An armed man took him to at least 10 people, including a police officer, in a supermarket in a residential area of ​​Boulder, Colorado, according to police. The testimonies described in the local media a scene of chaos, with dozens of customers stating the salutes once they were listening to the first ones.

A video grabbed by a master testimony to the police translating to a man exposed by the crime scene, enshrined and severely discredited. Investigators have confirmed that the suspect was detained, but he did not determine the motive behind the abortion, repeating and mediating words, following the relationship of the testigans in the local media.

The police also responded to another incident involving “an armed and abusive individual” in another place, about five kilometers from the supermarket. Did not transcend the two successful guardianship of the relationship. The Boulder City, of about 100,000 habitats, is the seat of the University of Colorado and is located 40 kilometers northeast of Denver, the capital of the State.

Dozens of police vehicles and up to three helicopters were hit by tiroteo. “The front entry is red, you have to render it,” said the gunman from outside, with a megaphone. Among the supermarket’s customers, the families and university students abounded abundantly. “My heart goes out to women who are horrible at our Boulder community,” said Colorado Governor Jared Polis.

The tragedy occurred less than a week ago when an individual of 21 years was assigned to shoot people, including women and women of Asian descent, and three massage parlors from Atlanta, the capital of the State of Georgia.

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