United States administers tens of thousands of vacancies daily during the second consecutive day

Dr. John Thayer plays a cartel and a vacation center in Seattle, Washington (REUTERS / Lindsey Wasson / archivo)
Dr. John Thayer plays a cartel and a vacation center in Seattle, Washington (REUTERS / Lindsey Wasson / archivo)

United States of America administers for the first time more than three thousand doses of vacancies against covid-19 in two consecutive days, according to the official figures published today.

The latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirm the rising cost and the success of the distribution of vacancies in the United States.

The CDC informs that 3,04 million doses have been administered in 24 hours until the end of the month, after the 3.12 million of the previous day. The media of the last journals saw 2.44 million doses per day, according to their figures.

“First time we have 3M or more in two consecutive days. Also the second consecutive day reporting more than 2M first dose per day ”, tuiteó Cyrus Shahpar, director of data on covid-19 at Casa Blanca.

“Making progress!”, añadió.

United States is the country that more failed to register currently at covid-19 in the world, with cases 542,000.

But also is implementing one of the most successful evacuation campaigns.

According to the CDC, 24.5% of the population received at least one dose of the immunizers, while que 13.3% are completely vacant.

Between the population of 65 years and mayor, 69% have received as little as a dose.

Three vacancies are now authorized in the United States: the dosages of Pfizer / BioNTech y Modern, in addition to the monodosis of Johnson & Johnson.

A total of 21 million adult people are fully equipped with Pfizer suer; 19.7 million he received the doses of the Moderna vacuna; and 2.15 million were inoculated with Johnson & Johnson.

El Gobierno del presidente Joe Biden oversees the objective that he should mark at the beginning of his mandate to administer 100 million vacancies in his first 100 days in power, when 58 days of his presidency were fulfilled.

PHOTO OF ARCHIVES: The President of the United States, Joe Biden, discusses the application of the American Rescue Plan in the White House in Washington, United States, March 15, 2021. REUTERS / Kevin Lamarque
PHOTO OF ARCHIVES: The President of the United States, Joe Biden, discusses the application of the American Rescue Plan in the White House in Washington, United States, March 15, 2021. REUTERS / Kevin Lamarque

Ate the good rhythm of the immunization, the mandate has not descended doubled this meta and that the 200 million vacancies administered will be announced on April 30, on the 100th day of his term.

EEUU ya llegó la semana pasada a los 100 million doses administered since the start of the 14th of December holiday campaign, when former President Donald Trump arrived at the White House.

The dates between the sanitary workers

Pese to this advance of the immunization, sonly the number of sanitary workers (52%) received at least one dose of the vacancies in the country, following a published survey by the diary The Washington Post and by the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Among those who have been inoculated since, 18% say they have no intention of attending, compared to 12% who decided not to do so and 18% who do not.

One of the three polled signals that does not cover the security of the victims, al consider that no han sido probados lo suficiente.

In this studio, unrolled between February 11th and March 7th, there were 1,327 health workers in all of the country.

(Information from AFP and EFE)


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