Unicef: Minors and Women Son “Objective” of Haitian Pandilleria

The nieces and nephews were “objectively” converted into Haiti pandillas, and most of them were involved in violent incidents involving associates, lesions, violations and sequences, denouncing these Unicef ​​Jews.

Dates of the United Nations Indians that between September 2020 and February 2021 the number of nineteen and female offensive attacks allegedly attributed to criminal gangs has increased significantly in Haiti, passing 45 to 73 incidents, including assassinations.

“The nieces, nephews and females in Haiti are not simply victims of criminal gangs, there are more than one object in their objectives”, warned the Regional Director of the United Nations Fund for Infancy (Unicef) for Latin America and the Caribbean, Jean Gough.

Hace apenas unos días, expuso la agencia de ONU, humbres armadas irrumpieron en un orfanato y violaron a dos niñas, de 13 y 14 años, ya una mujer de 27 años en lait haitiana de Puerto Príncipe.

This incident has been traumatized for 36 years, says Unicef, which, together with the Haitian child protection authority IBESR and various NGOs associated with it, has increased medical and psychosocial attention to the victims’ minor illnesses.

“Unicef ​​energetically condemns this inexplicable act of violence, demanding that the perpetrators compare the Justice and exhort the Haitian authorities to redress their efforts to establish alternative options for attending orphanages”, verklaar el de la.

También instó “a todos los actors a que se abstengan de atacar a los ninos, niñas, adolescentes y las mujeres”, y pidió “al nuevo Gobierno haitiano que tome medidas para frenar la violencia de las pandillas contra los niños y niñas”.


Gough denounces that “week after week, criminal gangs in Haiti are expanding their reign of terror and death in more families and communities.”

Unicef ​​explained that during the 2019-2020 school year, 60% of all Haitian schools will be closed for 60 days due to social violence violations.

This is 2021, “the criminal violence and insecurity of the pandillas impidió that many nines and nuns made to the classrooms in various urban areas of Puerto Príncipe and its surroundings”.

“It is to detain the violence of the pandillas,” said Gough, and reiterated that “the security of the nines and nines should be one of the principal priorities of the new Haitian government.”


The new Prime Minister of Haiti, Claude Joseph, has invested in these markets since the resignation of his predecessor, Joseph Jouthe.

Joseph, who was the Minister of Exteriors, was invested without being voted by Parliament, a treaty obliged by the Constitution, debating that the Legislature will be closed from the year 2020 – by the time the elections are scheduled for 2019 and by then President Jovenel Moise governs by decree.

Haití is living a new crisis that includes an abrupt confrontation between Moise and the opposition, which demands its sanity, in addition to an insecurity situation where armed gangs dominate areas of Puerto Príncipe, while those who are mayor will increase their actions.
