Undocumented immigrants must receive coronavirus vaccines, says DHS

“It is essential for moral and public health to ensure that all individuals living in the United States have access to the vaccine. DHS encourages all individuals, regardless of immigration status, to receive the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as it is available. according to local distribution guidelines, ” said the Department of Homeland Security.

The statement from the department overseeing the country’s immigration enforcement indicates a significant shift in tone from the official statements made during the Trump administration. This is the first time that the department has not encouraged undocumented immigrants to be vaccinated against coronavirus or discussed the attitude of immigration enforcement around vaccinations.

“I am very, very worried,” said Dr. Ranit Mishori, senior medical adviser to doctors for human rights, told CNN in December. “If we as a country are to bring about herd immunity, it must mean that non-citizens living among us must be vaccinated.”

Advocates say some immigrants are skeptical of any government-led vaccination efforts after being targeted during the Trump administration for years, and some recent comments from leaders have also made them wait:

• In an interview last year with CNN’s chief medical correspondent, dr. Sanjay Gupta, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said the vaccine would be free “for all U.S. citizens.” Pfizer later told CNN the CEO was referring to government statements on the subject.
• In a briefing last month, the governor of Nebraska implied that coronavirus vaccines would not be available to undocumented immigrants in his state, although he returned the comments days later. A video of director Pete Ricketts’ remarks went viral on Twitter and drew sharp criticism.
• And new guidelines in Florida requiring those who need to be vaccinated to stay in the state have also sparked concern among immigrant advocates. They fear that such rules, allegedly designed to reduce a “vaccine tourism”, could hinder farm workers and other essential workers from getting the vaccine.

The Biden government has repeatedly asked about the issue that undocumented immigrants should have access to the vaccine. But Monday’s statement is the first time the Department of Homeland Security has addressed the matter in public.

“DHS is committed to ensuring that every person who needs a vaccine can get one, regardless of their immigration status,” the department said.

Monday’s statement reflects previous guidance from U.S. Customs and Border Protection and immigration and customs enforcement during natural disasters, such as hurricanes, when agencies generally announce that they are refraining from enforcement actions to ensure vulnerable people are not afraid to seek help.

ICE also does not usually apply to places where the agency considers ‘sensitive places’, including hospitals.
