¿Unbeliever? Habla supuesta amante del esposo de Galilea Montijo

No need to know that the driver is more than the driver mexican television, guapa Galilea Montijo has suffered for some months with the rumors of a suspected infidelity on the part of his wife.

There are also diversas speculations afirman que todo lo que los rumores cuentan es la absoluta verdad, y que Gali está cegada por elor que siente hacia su companion de vida, sin embargo, la charismática mujer ha respondido que ella confía en Fernando Reina y cree en todo lo que the dice.

We are on the verge, since then there have been various weeks of strong insistence that Fernando Reina has been involved in our coveted Galilee with one companion of his work, and now the presumption will be in discordance of the relationship that has with the emperor with whom also he has to say that he has a hijo.

También te puede interesar: Video revela retoques de Galilea Montijo ¡La transformaron!

Well, internet users like to know all aspects of the personal lives of their favorite artists, with this theme being chosen locally.

Y, consequently Daniela Miruvska is the woman who has been with Fernando Reina in an extramarital affair, this woman is also married to another person, the detail is that she works with Galilee Montijo’s wife at the Atizapan City Council, and there are all the rumors existentes.

Miruvska has been talking about this in a recent broadcast of one of the most spectacular shows in the Mexican territory, including that it is believed that Reina has a spa, with the following words saying: “A Fernando sí con conco work companions, really our labor relationship, we will meet very little. In the Ayuntamiento is not my office, in fact it is because a relationship with a baby is an invention ”.

About Daniela also commented that she gave up her matrimony with a lot of men to be with Fernando Reina who presumably had sex at a spa, as well as, in particular, that she had a separate working relationship and very professional to avoid malnutrition and also the existence of an intimate video captured intimately in his work place.

“Everything is inventive, I believe it is a political attack. Fernando no conoce el spa, yo el spa lo tengo antes de entrar al auntumiento, yo llevaba año y medio con él ”, comentó en cuanto a su reconocido negocio.

For its part, the video mentioned, it is clear that the song that he sacrificed, if there is any video, and in this way, there are people who insure the existence of the same, “I am sure that nothing exists. I’m the only one who imported me to clear my image, so I’m going to have to do this interview ”I made the text words that mentioned the interview.

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Estos has rumors about comenzaron and the YouTube program, “En Shock”, by Jorge Carbajal, can be said that Fernando Reina had a relationship with a woman with what he had a hijo.

Fernando le puso los chuernos a Galilea Montijo desde hace ya tiempo, él le ha estado poniendo los cuernos constantemente, ella viajaba mucho por traustions de trabajo, estaba trabajando mucho lado está en otros rollos ”.

Ante is this controversial force, Galilee responds that, if there are highs and lows in the matrimonies, but in that it has not done anything serious and, posteriorly, does not rotate all the rumors.

“I believe that I have no secrets, he is a great father, he is a great person who I adore and respect many and good, what he said to me does not constitute anything and he confides in me, in what he says to me “, Mencionó Galilea.
