UEFA amenaza contains equipment that participates in ‘Superliga’

La UEFA has launched a fortune against clubs that decide to participate in a “Superliga“private and confirms this domingo which excludes players and teams at the level of clubs and national selection involved in the theme. All as a reaction to the new speculations about being hypothetical tournament of an elite entering into rivalry with the UEFA Champions League, cuya reform debe officializear lunes.

“Some English, Spanish and Italian clubs may announce the creation of a Superliga club”, writes the UEFA in a communication, classifying the “cynic” project.

If it were to succeed we would like to reiterate that ours -UEFA, Engels FA, RFEF, FIGC, Premier League, LaLiga, Lega Serie A also FIFA we will unite to hold this cynical project”.

La UEFA and the FIFA if companies are already showing a similar rumor in the future, but this domino will be hurtful in the decisions that will take place if it is realized This is the European League that only knows the best teams in the most important leagues. In this sense, in this League you can participate clubs like Real Madrid, Manchester United or Juventus.

“As announced earlier by FIFA and the Federations, the clubs involved serán vetados to participate in any other competition at the national, European or world level, and its junior players see negada the possibility of representing his national selections“.

The exclusion with which amenazan tendría important important consequences, ya que the clubs that theoretically participate in this Superliga are full of international stars, for those who privately share their selections with one goal.

Looking to see if there is a medium to adjust to European law in matters of competence, which is to say a legal battle if the conflict is actually planted, the AFP said.

The communication of the UEFA este domingo llega cuando la organización tiene previsto reunir el lunes a su Executive Committee to approve a deep reform of the UEFA Champions League, with the pretense of raising the possibility of its Superliga.

Why did UEFA publish their communication?

Various media publish this domingo the possible officialization of a project of Superliga, a surunt that surges and disappears periodically in European football since time immemorial and that money is used by the big clubs for different interests.

According to the New York Times, giants like Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, Manchester United, Manchester City, Liverpool, Chelsea, Juventus y Milan are concerned about the project and at least two teams in total he “company to be founding members or he expressed his interests”.

La UEFA dio las gracias al resto de clubs francees y alemanes, “que han rechazado comprometerse en esa vía”.
