UCR Medical Career will not open courses this semester due to failure of clinical cups at the CCSS • University Seminar

University authorities soliciting the CCSS that open the clinical cups for those students can take care of their practice, then the situation affects more than 800 students.

The School of Medicine of the University of Costa Rica (UCR) does not cover matriculation in tertiary courses, quarters and quintiles of the Bachelor of Medicine and Licenses in Medicine and Surgery, during the first cycle 2021, which is the Ca Costarricense del Seguro Social (CCSS) has not opened the clinical cups, closed since the start of the national emergency by COVID-19.

Lizbeth Salazar Sánchez, professor of cathedrics and director of the School of Medicine at the UCR, confirmed that the opening of the medical courses was postponed and that it was calculated that the medica affected 800 students.

“How are we going to open courses if not finished? It is not that we want to abrirlos; I did not finish the courses. This urge; is like a presa. The interns have to graduate as medics, the ones who are in their twenties have to do the internship, and so are the students of all the years, ”Salazar told UNIVERSIDAD.

“We have not completed the clinical rotations and in the medical training series, which is our responsibility with the country, the medicines we need to practice clinics for the nurses and no one has attended a party, we can not take the courses. The doctors are not trained at the Campus Rodrigo Facio, they are in the hospitals ”, agreed.

In the official EM-D-503-2020 of December 16th, the student public was informed that “until recently the practical practices of the theoretical-practice courses given in the IC and IIC 2020 courses have been completed. students will not be confronted with the approval of the requirements and corrections established in the plan of vigent studies ”.

It was added that “the matriculation in the courses that integrate the Internator Rotatorio Universitario depends on the programming, by virtue of the authorities of the CCSS, the exam to opt for the clinical camp, as well as the annuity to receive a new group of internos (as) universitarios (as) in the year 2021 ”.

The decision made by the CCSS

According to the official citation “under the management and consultations conducted by the School of Medicine, the authorities of the Caja Costarricense of Social Security have not been awarded respect for the rehabilitation of the teachers’ camps necessary for the development of clinical practices. courses of ten, quarter, fifth and sixth year of the career of Bachelor in Medical Sciences and Licentiate in Medicine and Surgery ”.

Salazar explained that “the authorities of the Caja say that we have a pandemic, that we have to hope, that we are analyzing the situation, that we are following the protocols”.

“Since the School of Medicine has been meeting meetings with the authorities of the CCSS, it has sent a number of officials, if it has the protocols that we have passed, we have given a course on the protocols to the students, the students are insured , hemos hecho reuniones con ellos para que tengan todo elec protection de personal. Hemos hecho todo lo que han pedido; but they do not open the clinical cups and if they do not open them, we will not be able to advance them, ”he said.

José Ángel Vargas, Vice-Rector of Documentation of the UCR, told the UNIVERSITY that the Rectorate is in the process of addressing this issue with the CCSS Directive.

The Caja y Cendeisss Directive (Center for Strategic Health and Social Security Information) did not approve the inclusion of students. From the rectorate we negotiate this possibility for the Caja to be able to accept, albeit gradually, the students who need to do their clinical practice. It’s a very critical topic that we are dealing with, ”verklaaró.

This medium was sent to the CCSS Consultant; but no answer was given before the closing ceremony.

“We are 800 students who are varados”

David Romero, President of the Medical Students’ Association of the UCR, reiterated in this medium the situation transcending the academic and affecting his economic and emotional situation. There is currently hope for an urgent meeting with the new rector Gustavo Gutiérrez Espeleta.

We are 800 students who are varados, who do not have anything to register. But it is simply that we can not register courses and advance. There are food pensions that you can not justify, insurance in the Caja that you can justify, companions that without courses can have access to a pool, which occupies a minimum amount of credits; many who can not consult work. “It’s a situation that is moving to the personal life of all,” Romero said.

El joven contó su caso, so lyk al die sus 150 compañeros de cuarto año de medicina, dijo:

‘2020 empezó normal. Pero en marzo nos enviaron un oficio de la Caja. U vestig en mediakonsultasie, me llegó al telephono y decía: ‘For favor, tienen que retirarse de las installations’. En dit is momento creíamos que iban a ser tres semanas … Bueno, nos fuimos a virtual courses. The first semester saw the completion of gynecology and obstetrics courses and those who could only do one month of clinical practice; todo lo demás fue virtual. Clinical practices are reported. Equally the second semester, live pediatrics, is all virtual; but the practices quedaron rezagadas », commented the student.

“If we hope to see what happens, we will see if we can recover the practices, take a semester off in less time; pero todavía no se ha dado nada. Yo sigo in quarto año a pesar de que lo empecé el aoo pasado, igual mis companioners de tercer año, no pueden pasar, los companienos de quinto tampoco. As it is not a matter of taking courses, it is fair to do so with the companions who complete all the requirements for the study plan at the university but for that decision not to let the power take place. For now I have a job and can do what I have contracted or if in April we say that we can fly to the U, and see that we will renounce, ”he said.

“We can not form virtual medicine”

Lizbeth Salazar stated: “We have a responsibility like the University of Costa Rica, which can not form virtual medicine. This series is irresponsible for the country. Imagine a doctor who does not have a clinical history because he has never been in contact with a patient. We use tools like simulation, virtuality; but we need patients in the hospital to practice ”.

“In private universities there are mandates for private hospitals, private consultants, virtual patients; but if it is not the University of Costa Rica, we will not be able to play with medical training, ”he said.

“We also consider that the students should train with world reality, the COVID-19 has changed the dynamics of the hospitals and the clinical practice; because it’s important that the many are inserting and that the vial is coming from the scaffold and will treat their patients ”, recalculated.

For now, during the first cycle 2021, extension courses or teaching modules on virtual modality will be offered, provided by teachers of the School of Medicine on topics related to various areas of Medicine (Gynecology, Obstetrics, Medicine, Pharmacology, Pharmacology, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, etc.). Dichos cursos son volunteers and gratuitos.

Salazar signals that with these courses they will cover important topics for the training and in addition the teachers who will teach the teaching practice. This is the approval of the Vice-Rector of Social Action (VAS).

Pero David Romero, of the Association of Medical Students, commented that necessary “permanent solutions”. “We do not know if the teaching extension modules can be applied to receive because there is no normative existence; in addition to its modules on schedule and the people who are working will not be able to opt for them. La verdad does not help us recover anything with these modules ”, dijo.