Uber has 250 million dollars due to a lack of drivers in the EU

San Francisco, United States.

The transport company Uber announced this market that will receive 250 million dollars in incentives to attract new conductors ante the actual escasez in EE.UU., where its activity is recovering through the pandemic.

“We launch a estimate of 250 million for conductors to increment their claims, which are particularly high, “the San Francisco (California, EE.UU.) firm indicated in a statement.

The carriage of passengers (the main source of intrusions of Uber together with the home delivery department) was paid on Monday in March of this year following the start of the covid-19 pandemic and the restricted residents to the mobility, lo which increased Uber’s billing for this activity.

Travel request

Without embarrassment, in the last months and especially in the midst of increasing the percentage of people evacuated in EE.UU., the demand for roads is recovering, but many of the antiquities Uber drivers do not regress to work, which is derived from the lack of offer and an increase in prices.

With respect to the antidote to the pandemic, Uber and its main competitor in EE.UU., Lyft, accounts for 40% less drivers, and has only changed jobs, be waiting to be evacuated to be able to conduct the prefieren seguir cobrando el subsidio de desempleo.

“There are many passengers who travel long distances that drivers have to offer, which is an ideal moment to become a conductor,” said the vice president of the EE.UU mobility company. and Canada, Dennis Cinelli.

Loose 250 million dollars Iran is destined to increase the compensation for all new conductors such as the existing ones, although from the company alert that this situation will be temporary and that the ganancias volverán predictably to the precovid levels in the future.
