U.S. riot in Capitol: A Florida man accused of rioting was arrested during the inauguration, the Justice Department said

Samuel Camargo, 26, was arrested in Washington on Wednesday, prosecutors said. The name of Camargo’s lawyer was not immediately available Thursday. He has not yet formally made a plea.

Camargo is facing four charges related to the January 6 riots that include civilian disorder; knowingly enters or resides in any restricted building or site without lawful authority; knowingly engage in disorderly or disruptive conduct in any restricted building or site; and violent trespassing and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds, according to the criminal charge.

Camargo appeared in DC District Court on Thursday, where a judge ordered that he be detained while he is being tried. The judge agrees with the Department of Justice that Camargo is an aviation risk.

“Honestly this country is very large and there are many different places that an accused can hide in it,” U.S. Magistrate Judge Zia Faruqui said during the trial.

Prosecutors in Washington wrote in a court report on Thursday that Camargo was seen in a video at one of the Capitol’s doorways on January 6, using his cell phone to video his fight with U.S. police in the Capitol over the opening of a door to the American Capitol building. ”

Prosecutors later apologized to Camargo on social media for his actions that day ‘while he was in the Capitol in DC’.

On January 7, when contacted by an FBI agent about his actions, Camargo admitted that he was in Washington on the day of the riot and had returned to his home in Broward County, Florida.

People at the US Capitol riot are identified and lose their jobs

“Then he became cooperative and questioned the agent’s loyalty to the constitution before saying he had no more information to provide,” prosecutors wrote. “Following this interview, the accused then posted on social media ‘I just finished talking to an FBI agent, I believe I was cleared.’

Authorities tried to arrest Camargo at his home in Florida on Tuesday, but he was away, prosecutors said. He was found in Washington the next day.

Camargo, after his arrest, told investigators that he knew he was wanted by the Justice Department in connection with his actions at the Capitol and “decided that he should try to attend the inauguration rather than turn himself into authorities”, prosecutors said in court Thursday.
