Tyroteo in Georgia’s 3 spas deja al menos siete muertos; searchable and suspicious authorities | News Univision United States

In my opinion there are people who die and shoot and other results will result in tiroteos in three massage parlors de Georgia el martes por la tarde. Three of the murmured victims and the resulting heredity in a massage parlor. Minutes later, the authorities reported that four other people were killed in other areas of the area.

The investigators say that estaban treat to determine if the tiroteos estaban relacionados.

El primer reports fue recibido and el Young’s Asian Massage near Acworth, Georgia, tells information about the portavoz del alguacil del condado de Cherokee, Howard J. Baker. To find the place to find five people with balls.

Two people were killed in the crash and three were taken to a hospital where a man was injured. In the tiroteo of the Cherokee county, the alguacil office posted photos of a suspect which was seen in a video of vigilance on stage at the time of the tiroteo and I asked anyone with information to call 911.

Minutes later, Atlanta police responded to a robbery at the Gold Massage Spa on Piedmont Road in Atlanta, found three dead people, said Atlanta Police Chief Rodney Bryant. At the same time, respond to the Aroma Therapy spa, on the other side of the pool, where you will find a person dead.

The police inform that the four victims are Asian women.

This information is in process.

