Two more deaths, 64 new cases reported since Saturday – Rooikop black belt

Press Release of the Humboldt County Joint Information Center:

Covid pers TierTwo Humboldt County residents have died after testing positive for COVID-19, and since Saturday’s report, 64 new cases have been confirmed. A sum total of 1,648 1 647 * residents of the country tested positive for the virus.

One of the individuals who died was in their 80s and the other in their 90s. Both were residents of the Granada Rehabilitation and Wellness Center in Eureka. A total of 71 residents and 28 staff tested positive for COVID-19 at the facility. Ten residents were killed.

The Humboldt County Health Officer, dr. Ian Hoffman, said that public health expresses its sympathy with the families and friends of those who have lost loved ones to the virus.

As of today, 5,500 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been assigned to Humboldt County (combined with Pfizer and Moderna). Public Health is currently partnering with the Humboldt County Health Care Community to provide vaccine to Phase 1A Level 1 health workers, according to the state’s COVID-19 vaccination guidelines.

To find out more about who will receive the vaccine during phase 1A of the vaccine distribution, go to:

For the latest COVID-19 information, visit or Local information is available at or during business hours by contacting [email protected] or call 707-441-5000.

Local information on COVID-19 vaccine:,
Humboldt County COVID-19 Data Dashboard:,
Follow us on Facebook: @ HumCoCOVID19,
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Twitter: @ HumCoCOVID19, en
Humboldt Health Warning:

* Correction: total of the case stands at 1 647. Today’s case counts cumulative total overestimated positive COVID-19 cases by one. A person who was added to the count last week was found to be a resident of another country and has now been removed. The case counts today at 64, and the cumulative total is now 1,647. The Joint Information Center regrets the mistake.

